Richard Lemmens website

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Totte Combat Stats Calculator

This page contains a utility for Totte, which you can use to quickly calculate effective combat stats based on talents, skills, weapons and other factors. It focuses on human or humanoid characters; there is no room for the outlandish combat abilities of animals and other creatures. Only weapons and armor from the original Totte game are used. The range input parameter is used only in missile combat, ignored in melee and formation fights. Likewise, the rate of fire output parameter is calculated only for missile combat. Penalties from wounds, fatigue, bad weather; bonuses from attacking in groups; modifications from equipment quality; effects of poison; stacked armor; non-standard feats; magic and other variations on basic combat are not included. These can be added in real gameplay.


Combat styles fighting
Enviroment range meters
Armor helmet
Weapons main hand
off hand
Penalties other equipment weight kilograms
Skills Melee
Talents Strength


Encumbrance 1
Attack 5
Defense 7
Damage 2
Protection 1
Rate of Fire 0.00