Richard Lemmens website

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This page contains different paths into history.


Early civilization A brief overview of early human civlization.
Romani ite domum The Roman empire. Why did it become so great? Why did it last so long? Why did it came down?
Voyaging What traveling was like before the industrial evolution.
World War II myths Some misconceptions about World War II debunked.


Runes The futhark, the runic alphabet
Timeline A rough timeline for European history.

Interactive maps

Historical regions An interactive map of Earth that shows historical regions and major landmarks.
Alps 1000 CE An interactive map of the Alps in 1000 CE, focusing on roads.
Silk Road 1200 CE An interactive map of the Silk Road(s) in 1200 CE, focusing on towns and routes.
Sahara 1400 CE An interactive map of the Sahara in 1400 CE, focusing on trade routes.
Japan 1570 CE An interactive map of Japan in 1570 CE, focusing on castles.


War Matrix More than 350 short articles on military history, giving an overview of war throughout the ages.