
Totte is a system for fantasy roleplaying games that was designed to be simple and easy to learn, yet flexible. It does not have character classes, ethics systems or prefab magical spells. The aim of Totte is to support roleplaying games, not dictate them. The name Totte is Japanese for 'grip' or 'handle' and that is what it is: a handle on fantasy worlds, so that these can be used as roleplaying game settings.
Totte's content is provided in several web pages that target both players and Game Masters. They contain the basic rules, examples, tips and explanations. Use the navigation menu on the top to browse through pages and learn about the system.
New to roleplaying?
If you do not know what a roleplaying game is, check out the Players section and then the examples, all from the navigation menu on the top. Totte does not provide a lengthy introduction, but these sections should give you the basic idea. There is also plenty of information on roleplaying games in other places on the web; a search engine will quickly yield results.
Housekeeping remarks
Units of measurement
Unless noted otherwise, physical units are taken from the International System of Units, especially lengths (meters, kilometers) and masses / weights (kilograms, metric tons).
A note about pronouns
Male and female pronouns are used in the texts more or less at random, so as to favor neither. This does not imply phrases like "the barbarian and his strength" mean that all barbarians are strong males, or "she used her wits" that all women are smart. Combination pronouns like "he/she" and "her/him" are avoided simply because they produce awkward, clumsy sentences.