The map shows Earth throughout history. Traditional historical regions are listed, as well as important landmarks like cities, temples and natural phenomena. All of these are groupd by their age, the groups discerned by color. See the agenda below the map.
For the historical regions only regions with clear geographical boundaries and/or lasting cultural or ethnic significance have been selected.
Political and administrative regions are ignored, except when they coincide with the former.
Only relatively large regions are listed, the size of a province or larger.
Especially in inhabited mountain areas there are many different peoples, cultures and languages, though most are too small for this map.
Some regions are millennia old, yet many traditional regions have shifted in the last few centuries because of migrating tribes, or have been erased by European colonists.
Especially Africa and America lack truly traditional regions, having experienced many migrations in the last few centuries.
For landmarks the selection is limited to the most important and/or iconic ones.
They include both natural landmarks and cities built by humans.
The period for cities is based on the time when they become truly important.
Many cities started out as villages and grew in size and grandeur only later.
Some cities, especially capitals founded by kings, were important right from the start.
Several cities do not exist anymore in modern times.
They have been destroyed or abandoned.
Even some geographical regsions, for example the Aral Sea, are things of the past.
Because of their earlier fame, they are included nonetheless.
Names are historical where known, otherwise modern.
Local languages are used in most places, though when multiple ones are applicable, the English name is used.
The map has been made with the help of OpenLayers. You can zoom out and in, pan the view and enlarge the map to occupy the full screen. Four different layers are available. None of them is transparent, so it does not make sense to switch on multiple ones at the same time. Zoom out for less detail, or back in for more. Hover over a landmark to see a short description (displayed below the map like the coordinates of the mouse position).
Toggle GeoServer Toggle Stamen Toggle ArcGIS Toggle OSMCity legenda:
- Middle Eastern Era: 3500 BCE - 500 BCE
- Classical Period: 500 BCE - 500 CE
- Middle Ages: 500 CE - 1500 CE
- Age of Exploration: 1500 CE - 1800 CE
- Industrial Revolution: 1800 CE - now