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Shra - main page


Desert stone column
Desert stone column


Shra (pronounced as "Shra" with an audible h, not as "ʃrɑ") is a fantasy world. The name is Tamazight for 'desert'. Shra resembles our world in many aspects, but in others is quite alien. As the name suggests, it is a desert world, dry and barren, more arid than most of Earth's deserts but not as extreme as Frank Herbert's Arrakis. Though water is scarce and precious, other stuffs are more so. The world is populated by humans, half-humans and aliens, several of them sapient. On Shra, intelligence can be consumed as food and drink.
Use the list at the bottom to browse through pages and learn about the world.

Housekeeping remarks

A note about pronouns

English is not a common language on Shra. It is unknown there. On many pages, names have been Romanized. In some cases the proper pronunciation is listed in green. See the the International Phonetic Alphabet for details on how to pronounce them, for example at


Title Description
Planet The larger Shra world
Climate A description of the hellish climate
Geography How the land is layed out
Biology Descriptions of the most important planst and animals
Sapients The major intelligent species
Economy On desert industry and trade
Daily life About life on Shra
Government How the people are ruled
Warfare About warfare in Shra
Languages The linguistic variety
Religion Supernatural beliefs in Shra
History The chronicles of the region


Many thanks to Alex Farnsworth, Michael Farnsworth and Sebastian Steinig, who made a climate model of Frank Herbert's Arrakis and pulled the concept of a desert planet from pure speculation down into the zone of plausability. Read their publication here: