Skills represent knowledge that a character has learned and can use to his or her advantage. Combined with talents, they make up the ability to succeed at feats. Most skills in Totte are aimed at pre-industrial technology, though several target more advanced tools and activities.
Skill levels
Totte discerns a substantial number of skills. Each is rated on a scale of 0 to 6, though can reach even higher. All skills start at level 0, but can be raised through study, training and experience. The higher the skill level, the more difficult it becomes to raise it a level further.
Skill progression
Every human baby starts with a level of 0 in every skill.
During their lives people learn and improve some of their skills.
Instruction, learning by example and practice all increase skill level.
Some skills are raised to an acceptable level, some pursued to a high degree of mastery, some are not developed at all.
Like many roleplaying games, Totte takes an easy approach to this matter.
During their adventures, characters accumulate so-called experience points.
Once a large enough number has been gathered, these can be 'spent' to increase a skill level.
For simplicity's sake, there is no correlation between the nature of the experience gained and that of the skills they are used for.
So for example a character may busy himself for a month with training in dueling with smallswords and then spend the experience points on ancient languages!
Though with extreme cases like these, the GM may impose some restrictions.
Totte does not have broad 'character' experience levels like some games do; all experience levels are skill-specific.
Experience points
The GM awards experience points to player characters, usually after a playing session. The number of points can be based on how much skills were used, how many monsters were beaten to a bloody pulp, the quality of the roleplaying of the players, simply a fixed amount, or whatever else the GM deems right. Some GMs will hand out many experience points, allowing for fast and dramatic skill progression, while others will use a more sober rate, forcing the characters to develop in a slower and more realistic manner.
Experience levels
The further a skill level progresses, the higher the experience point 'cost' becomes. 1000 experience points are needed to increase a skill from level 0 to 1. The next level requires 2000 experience points; the level after that 3000 and so forth along an increasing rate:
Level | Name | Level cost | Cumulative cost |
0 | Unskilled | 0 | 0 |
1 | Beginner | 1,000 | 1,000 |
2 | Student | 2,000 | 3,000 |
3 | Skilled | 3,000 | 6,000 |
4 | Expert | 4,000 | 10,000 |
5 | Master | 5,000 | 15,000 |
6 | Grandmaster | 6,000 | 21,000 |
Skill levels beyond level 6 have no name, but do exist.
Their cost in experience points progresses in the same way as the lower levels.
Level 7 and beyond are 'magical' levels, which often allow to achieve feats with such outraging high difficulties that they may well be called magical.
Experience points, once spent on a skill, cannot be re-assigned to another skill; you cannot unlearn something.
Likewise, Totte considers experience points spent on a skill to last forever; you do not have to pay any kind of maintenance.
Starting levels
A starting character is not a baby anymore and will very likely have gathered some experience during his youth.
The GM will assign a number of 'starting' experience points to each player.
Some GMs will be generous to make the player characters powerful right from the start, while others require them to build experience from humble beginnings.
The player can distribute experience points over her character's skills as she deems fit.
Points may be spread over many skills to create a jack-of-all-trades, or boost a few skills to high levels to create a specialist.
High levels are just as 'expensive' when the character is created as they are while gaining levels during game play.
Skill tree
Skill tree depth
All skills are arranged in a tree with three levels.
Normally only the skills in the lowest level are used during game play; the higher levels are abstractions.
The tree is not set in stone.
Some GMs may want to add, remove, combine or split skills to suit their game.
They may also want to split skills at the 3rd level up into more detailed sub-skills on a 4th level.
For instance the piloting skill can be split into separate skills for different classes of vehicles, or the missile skill for different classes of missile weapons.
In a reverse move, other GMs may want to simplify the tree by discarding the 3rd level or even the 2nd one too.
For example they are not interested if a character is a good skier but a mediocre skater; the more generic hiking skill suffices.
Simplification of the skill tree can also be done in specific situations, rather than throughout the game.
The reverse is not easy to do on the spot, as it requires skills to be split into sub-skills and skill levels also.
Detailing the tree is feasible when done at the start of the game.
Skill tree experience
Experience points can only be spent on skills in the lowest (used) level of the skill tree. When needed, a skill level for skills higher up in the tree can be determined by taking the average of the levels of the skills under it.
Skill applicability
Not all skills are equally useful in the game. For example, what good is knowledge of art history when you are trekking through the wilderness? On the other hand, characters in a thieving adventure who target expensive paintings in the houses of the rich may well find a use for it. The Totte skill is tree is broad on purpose, so it can be applied to many different types of games. Players should pick skills from it that are useful in the adventures that the GM creates, or because they fit their character, or just to have fun.
Full skill tree
- Body care
- Athletics
- Acrobatics
- Hiking
- Survival
- Plant care
- Animal care
- Martial
- Food working
- Handcraft
- Technology
- Trickery
- Espionage
- Composition
- Music
- Dance
- Podium arts
- Literature
- Natural sciences
- Social sciences
- Humanities
- Social knowledge
- Persuasion
- Management
- Elemental
- Life
- Spirits
- Divination
Skill list
Below are listed all skills available in the default Totte system, in alphabetical order.
Acting and mime
Acting in a play and miming.
Example feats:
- Acting or miming. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * acting and mime skill. Difficulty: 3 to do simple impersonations, do a walk-on part; 6 to memorize texts and act in a play in a minor role; 9 to act in a play in a secondary role; 12 to act in a play in a main role; 16 to make actor and acted blend in completely.
Aerial combat
Fighting in the air, using levitation, flying mounts or flying machines.
Example feats:
- Hitting an enemy (contested feat). Ability = dexterity talent + aerial combat skill + weapon melee factor; difficulty = dexterity talent + aerial combat skill + weapon melee factor + shield bonus. Also see the combat manual.

Growing crops and fruit for food. This skill includes horticulture.
Example feats:
- Agriculture or horticulture. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * agriculture skill. Difficulty: 2 to perform simple tasks like mowing and weeding; 6 to grow crops in fertile areas; 9 to handle simple irrigation systems, grow crops in dry areas; 13 to breed plant species for desired characteristics.
Be alert and react quickly to surprises.
Example feats:
- Alertness. Ability = perception talent + 2 * alertness skill. Difficulty: 3 to be alert when concentrated on the environment; 6 to not be startled in surprise situations, but react quickly; 9 to be very hard to catch by stalking; 12 to sleep light, with clear head immediately after waking up; 15 to sense danger before it can be detected with normal senses.
Operating field artillery and siege engines.
Example feats:
- Shooting at a target. Ability = perception talent + missile skill + weapon missile factor; difficulty depends on the size of the target. A house-sized target has a difficulty of 3; every factor 2 increase in surface area gives a +1 bonus; every factor 2 decrease a -1 penalty.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Ammunition: bolt 0; bullet -1; stone -2; irregular shape -3
Range, light and movement modifiers for artillery are comparable to those of the shooting skill. Wind penalties should be halved for light artillery and are not applicable to heavy artillery. Cover offers little protection as artillery shoots straight through it, unless it is rock solid.
Animal lore
Approach, associate with animals and train them.
Example feats:
- Handling animals: Ability = perception talent + 2 * animal lore skill. Difficulty: 3 to tell when an animal is very agitated; 6 to tell the emotional state of animal; 9 for knowledge of an animal's general behavior and way of living, tell reasons behind an animal's actions, approach an animal without frightening it; 12 to train an animal to do simple tricks; 15 to train a suitable animal to be one's familiar, assistant and/or guardian.
Baking bread, making cakes and pastries.
Example feats:
- Baking. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * baking skill. Difficulty: 4 to make dough from flour; 8 to bake bread; 10 to make pastries and cakes; 12 to make bread art.
Beg for alms.
Example feats:
- Begging: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * begging skill. Difficulty: 3 to get a few coins with begging when being miserable and showing it; 6 to get a few coins with begging by pretending misery; 9 for knowledge of the best places for begging, earn a meager living by it; 13 to appear so miserable that a modest living can be earned with begging; 16 to appear so wretched with begging that someone will surely take pity and offer substantial personal help.

Working oneself into a battle frenzy.
Example feats:
- Going berserk. Ability = 2 * health talent + berserking skill. Difficulty: 8 to halve the physical feat penalty from health damage; 12 to fully ignore the physical feat penalty from health damage; 16 to fight on (with a -4 physical feat penalty) after receiving lethal wound damage.
Riding a bicycle.
Example feats:
- Sprint cycling. Ability = 2 * strength talent + bicycling skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 1 meter / second.
- Long distance cycling. Ability = 2 * health talent + bicycling skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 0.75 meters / second.
- Stunt riding. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * bicycling skill. Difficulty: 2 to use a stepping vehicle; 4 to ride a bicycle with two hands on the steering wheel; 5 to ride a bicycle with one hand on the steering wheel; 7 to ride a bicycle without hands on the steering wheel; 9 to make wheelies or a sur place; 11 to make saltos and spins; 13 to drive a one-wheel bicycle.
Study and explain biological phenomena. Includes botany, ecology, evolutionary biology, zoology and other biological disciplines. In fantasy worlds, also includes teratology.
Example feats:
- Study biology. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * biology skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Ride the slow wheels of bureaucracy.
Example feats:
- Infiltrate bureaucracies. Ability = charisma or intelligence talent + 2 * bureaucracy skill. Difficulty: 3 to be familiar with common civil procedures; 6 to treat civil servants properly, smooth procedures; 9 to speed up procedures drastically; 12 to obtain rights and privileges above one's authorization, trace or hide frauds; 16 to fraud without leaving any trace in the archives, actually altering evidence.
Business management
Manage a work team or company.
Example feats:
- Running a business: Ability = intelligence or charisma talent + 2 * business management skill. Difficulty: 3 to work as a team member; 6 to handle work orders for a small work team; 9 to handle all tasks like work orders, coaching, recruitment relating to a small work team; 13 to supervise a small company or business department; 16 to supervise a large company, plan and execute company strategy.
Preparing meat for consumption.
Example feats:
- Butchering. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * butchering skill. Difficulty: 3 to cut rough strips of meat from animals; 6 to skin and cut animals; 9 to skin, bleed, cut and salt animals and remove fish-bones; 10 to accurately access meat quality; 14 to cut meat without looking.
Camp making
Making camp in the wilderness.
Example feats:
- Set up camp. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * camp making skill. Difficulty: 3 to set up tents and dig latrines; 6 to find reasonable campsites, i.e. away from obvious natural dangers; 9 to find suitable campsites, i.e. away from non-obvious natural dangers, defendable, well hidden; 12 to hide traces of camp making; 14 to make camp in inhospitable places like mountain cliffs.
- Build a fire. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * camp making skill. Difficulty: 9 to start a fire using flint & steel, hot coals or fire drills; 12 to start a fire in bad conditions (wet, windy or dark); 15 to start a fire in very bad conditions (very wet and windy and dark).
- Find water. Ability = perception talent + 2 * camp making skill. Difficulty: 3 to find drinkable water in wet areas like swamps and areas with many streams and pools; 6 to find water in medium-dry areas like forests and grassland; 9 to find water in dry areas like steppe; 12 to find water in very dry areas like desert.
Working wood.
Example feats:
- Carpentry. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * carpentry skill. Difficulty: 3 to cut wood into crude objects; 6 to select proper wood and cut into into simple objects, make simple repairs; 9 to make and repair tools, furniture, vehicles and buildings; 11 to make and repair bows; 14 to make fragile constructs.
Study and explain chemistry phenomena. Includes biochemistry, inorganic chemistry and other chemistry disciplines. In fantasy worlds, includes alchemy too.
Example feats:
- Study chemistry. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * chemistry skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Design and direct dances.
Example feats:
- Design dances. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * choreography skill. Difficulty: 3 to design very basic dances; 6 for knowledge of common dance styles; 9 to harmonize movements of a group of dancers; 12 to design a grand ballet; 14 to tell a story by dance.
- Direct dances. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * choreography skill. Difficulty: 5 to coach a single dancer; 9 to harmonize movements of a group of dancers; 13 to handle a grand ballet.
Climbing slopes.
Example feats:
- Climbing. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * climbing skill. Difficulty: 2 to walk and clamber up shallow slopes (0 - 15°); 4 to climb gentle slopes (16 - 30°); 8 to climb moderate slopes (31 - 50°); 10 to climb severe slopes (51 - 70°); 12 to climb cliffs (71 - 90°); 14 to climb overhangs (> 90°);
Difficulty modifiers:
- Surface: A smooth surface gives a -3 penalty; a slippery one -2. Both penalties are cumulative.
- Tools: The use of simple tools like ropes, hooks and spikes lowers the difficulty by 1 - 4 points, depending on their variety and quality.
Working cloth into clothes.
Example feats:
- Tailoring. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * clothworking skill. Difficulty: 3 to cut cloth, make crude repairs to torn clothing; 6 to make and repair simple clothing; 9 to make and repair fine clothing; 12 to make fashionable clothes.
- Weaving. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * clothworking skill. Difficulty: 3 to weave crude and sloppy carpets; 6 to weave simple carpets; 9 to weave fine carpets; 12 to weave artworks.
Composition of music.
Example feats:
- Composition. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * composition skill. Difficulty is 3 to compose very basic tunes and melodies; 6 for knowledge of common music and staff notation, to compose simple folk music; 9 familiarity with many music styles, make elaborate compositions; 13 combine all kinds of music styles; 16 compose operas and operettas.

Operate and program computers.
Example feats:
- Working with computers. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * computers skill. Difficulty is 3 to operate common software; 6 to design and implement small command scripts and macros; 9 to write, debug or change medium sized programs, hack software security; 12 to design and implement small operating systems, wield different classes of programming languages; 15 to design and implement computer languages and large operating systems.
Conjuring tricks
Fool an audience with conjuring tricks.
Example feats:
- Perform conjuring tricks. Ability = dexterity or charisma talent + 2 * conjuring tricks skill. Difficulty: 3 to do simple conjuring tricks like the pea under one of three nutshells; 6 to do medium difficult tricks like pulling an egg out of somebody's ear; 9 to do difficult tricks like pulling a rabbit out of a hat; 12 to do very difficult tricks like sawing a lady in two halves; 15 to do extremely difficult tricks like freeing oneself of multiple chains underwater.
Conjuration is the business of summoning spirits; abjuration of warding them off.
Shamans are experts at conjuration; it is the core of their magic.
Priests and high mages are also adept at it.
Technomages can lure spirits and capture them in specially prepared prisons.
Example feats:
- Conjuration / abjuration. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * conjuration skill. Difficulty: 8 to send out a call to spirits in the area that they may or may not heed, or warn them away; 10 to send out a summons that they must heed, or to scare them off for a while; 12 to bind them into service or to banish them to a spirit world.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Spirit power: minor 0; moderate +2; major +4; supreme +6
- Duration: brief 0; extended +2; day +4; month +6; years +8
- Number: self / other 0; party +2; crowd +4; army +6
Preparing food for consumption.
Example feats:
- Cooking. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * cooking skill. Difficulty: 3 to do simple tasks like cutting vegetables; 6 to prepare ingredients for cooking, cook simple meals; 9 to stew, cook, bake, fry etc. and make sauces; 13 to balance ingredients optimally to make delicious meals.
Example feats:
- Dancing. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * dancing skill. Difficulty: 1 to jump up and down; 5 to synchronize dancing with music; 9 to dance in multiple styles; 12 to dance with agility and grace; 14 to tell a story by dancing.
Changing appearance to look like someone else, or see through a disguise.
Example feats:
- Disguise. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * disguise skill. Difficulty: 1 to try to disguise by changing clothes; 6 for knowing how to hide facial and other recognizable features from sight; 9 to use make up, clothing and attitude to pose as a member of a different class or profession; 14 to use face masks, study of personal habits and such to impersonate another person; 18 to fool the most advanced identification systems.
- Actively see through disguises (contested feat). Ability = 2 * perception talent + disguise skill. Difficulty: charisma + 2 * disguise skill.
Drink making

Brewing, vintning and destillation.
Example feats:
- Drink making. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * drink making skill. Difficulty: 3 to harvest ingredients, mash grapes; 6 to prepare ingredients; 9 to brew beer, make wine or distill liqor; 13 to tell the region of origin of a beverage; 15 to tell the year of origin of a beverage.
Earth science
Study and explain environmental phenomena. Includes geology, oceanography, meteorology and other earth science disciplines.
Example feats:
- Study earth science. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * earth science skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Study and explain economics phenomena. Includes econometrics, finance, macro and micro economics and other economics disciplines.
Example feats:
- Study economics. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * economics skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Construct, repair and operate electronic equipment.
Example feats:
- Construct electronics or make repairs. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * electronics skill. Difficulty: 3 to operate a simple device, do simple and obvious repairs; 6 to operate complex devices, do repairs beyond basic level, assemble electronics according to specifications; 9 to repair almost any electronics of known technology with the proper tools, time and other resources; 12 to improvise repairs with non-standard materials.
- Design electronics. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * electronics skill. Difficulty: 9 to design and implement minor enhancements; 13 to design and implement major enhancements; 17 to design radical innovations.
Elemental magic
Elemental magic is juggling with raw elements, like a craftsman works with tools and materials.
Alchemists are high mages who for instance try to change lead into gold.
Technomancers use state of the art physical and chemical instruments to master radioactivity and create new materials.
Example feats:
- Transmutation. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * elemental magic skill. Difficulty: 8 to soften/strengthen materials; 10 for minor transmutations like oak to ash, iron to steel or stone to earth; 11 for semi-minor transmutations like softwood to hardwood or copper to bronze; 12 for medium transformations like wood to paper or lead to gold; 14 for major transmutations like wood to metal or stone to cloth; 16 to affect living tissue.
- Animation. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * elemental magic skill. Difficulty: 8 to bend objects once; 10 to make objects move continuously; 12 to let objects make complicated movements like walking; 14 to let objects fight actively.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Size: tiny objects like pins -2; small objects like tools 0; medium (human-sized) objects +2; large objects like machine +4; very large objects like houses +6.
- Duration: brief 0, extended +2, day +4, month +6, years +8, century +10, permanent +12.
Be at home among the upper class.
Example feats:
- Practice etiquette. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * etiquette skill. Difficulty: 3 to be properly humble in the presence of a member of a higher class; 6 for knowledge of basic titles and proper signs of respect, do's and don'ts, basic balance of power; 9 to handle the 'language' and gestures, know about favorite topics and fashion trends, be at ease among the the upper class; 12 to speak with the right accent, radiate an aura of authority, be at ease in the upper stratas of society; 15 to be at ease in the top layer of society.
Construct and handle explosives.
Example feats:
- Handle explosives. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * explosives skill. Difficulty: 3 to handle firecrackers; 6 to create simple explosives through chemistry; 9 to create advanced explosives; 12 to balance explosives for just the right amount of power; 15 to create controlled cascading explosions.
The magic of flying involves flying around without being a bird yourself or employing other means that are considered valid means of flying in the mundane world.
Shamans will call upon birds or even wind spirits to carry them.
High mages and theistic priests use various means, like flying carpets with spirits woven into them, chariots pulled by flying steeds, winged boots, artificial wings, and so on.
Technomages employ flying machines.
These may look and function like normal balloons or airplanes, but can also have huge and cumbersome steam engines that would never be able to lift off according to our modern physics.
Example feats:
- Flying. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * flying skill. Difficulty: 8 to levitate; 10 to fly slowly and clumsily; 12 to fly moderately well; 14 to fly fast and nimbly; 16 to fly very fast and very agile.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Numbers: self 0, other +2, party +4, crowd +6, army +8, horde +10.
- Duration: brief 0, extended +2, day +4, month +6.
Knowledge of usage of wild plants.
Example feats:
- Foraging. Ability = perception talent + 2 * foraging skill. Difficulty: 3 for knowledge of obvious edible, medicinal and poisonous plants, for instance fruit trees and stinging nettle; 6 for knowledge of common edible, medicinal and poisonous plants, for instance tree bark and nightshade; 10 for knowledge of all plants in home ecology; 15 for knowledge of almost all plants on whole world; 18 to determine usability of alien plants.
Forecasting (temporal divination)

Forecasting a.k.a. augury is telling the future.
Note that a seer foresees only possible futures, not necessarily the actual one.
Forecasting has a counterpart in viewing history.
The means used by mages of various traditions are roughly the same as those used with scrying.
Example feats:
- Forecasting. Ability = perception talent + 2 * scrying skill. Difficulty: 8 for a random vision; 10 to witness an important event; 12 to see a specific event.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Direction: past -1; future 0
- Distance in time: day 0; month +2; years +6; century +8
- Number of senses: one 0; two +2; all +4
Tend forests and other concentrations of wild flora.
Example feats:
- Forestry. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * forestry skill. Difficulty: 3 to perform simple tasks like clearing paths through forests, help an occasional animal in distress; 6 to locate and remove parasites from trees; 9 to clear ground to allow young trees to gain a place, select the right trees for lumber; 12 to cure trees that are ill, though not yet doomed; 15 to rebalance the flora and fauna.
Create fake replicas of documents and passes.
Example feats:
- Forgery. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * forgery skill. Difficulty: 3 to create crude copies that can pass casual inspection; 6 to create simple fake passes; 9 to create fake passports; 12 to duplicate anothers handwriting perfectly; 15 to fool advanced multi-method identification systems.
Combat with multiple fighters side by side, in formation.
Example feats:
- Hitting an enemy (contested feat). Ability = dexterity talent + formation skill + weapon formation factor; difficulty = dexterity talent + formation skill + weapon formation factor + 2 * shield bonus. Also see the combat manual.
Playing games to win.
Example feats:
- Play a game of dexterity (contested feat). Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * gaming skill.
- Play a game of chance and bluff (contested feat). Ability = charisma or perception talent + 2 * gaming skill.
- Play a game of tactics and strategy (contested feat). Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * gaming skill.

Tend cultivated gardens.
Example feats:
- Gardening. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * gardening skill. Difficulty: 2 to perform simple tasks like mowing and weeding; 6 to perform basic maintenance on an existing garden; 9 to design layouts and select proper plants for gardens; 12 to create artistic gardens and grow plants into designed shapes; 15 to create a 'Garden of Eden' or a proper Zen garden.
Making glasswares.
Example feats:
- Glassblazing. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * glassblowing skill. Difficulty: 3 to gather raw materials; 6 to prepare glass for shaping; 9 make usable glassware; 13 to make slender bottles and vases.
Improving people's appearance and attractiveness.
Example feats:
- Grooming. Ability = perception talent + 2 * grooming skill. Difficulty is 3 to tidy oneself in order to look neat; 7 to wash and clean, cut hair and nails, trim beards; 10 to balance cosmetics, hair dress and clothing; 14 to turn almost anybody into a striking figure.
Lowering prices of purchased goods.
Example feats:
- Haggling: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * haggling skill. Difficulty: 1 to pay too much; 5 to pay prices that allow the merchant a sizable profit; 8 to pay prices that allow the merchant a normal profit; 12 to pay prices that allow the merchant a small profit; 17 to pay prices that allow the merchant no profit, or sell below cost price.
Health magic
Health magic concerns itself with the physical health of creatures.
Subjects can be healed,
but also harmed. Pain, injuries, wounds, maimings, diseases, poisoning and other physical ailments can be affected.
Shamans commonly summon, ward or exorcise evil spirits that cause ailments.
Priests call upon divine favor for healing.
High mages use magical potions and the like.
Technomancers rely on medical science.
Mystics tap into the unused healing powers of the body itself, dissolving disharmonies.
Example feats:
- Healing / harming. Ability = health talent + 2 * health magic skill. Difficulty: 6 to treat minor health damage; 8 for light; 10 for moderate; 12 for serious; 14 for critical; 16 for lethal; 17 to start regeneration of amputated body parts, or to wither living parts away.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Species: humans 0; mammals +2; any animal +4; plants +6
- Number: self -2; other 0; party +3; crowd +6; army +9
Herd and breed domesticated animals.
Example feats:
- Handling animals: Ability = perception talent + 2 * herding skill. Difficulty: 3 to keep a small herd of cattle together; 6 to keep large herd of cattle together, milk and shave animals; 9 for knowledge of where to find feeding grounds, guard a herd against small predatory animals; 13 to breed cattle for desired characteristics; 17 to herd undomesticated cattle like buffalo's and zebras.
Study and explain history. Includes art history, genealogy, heraldry, science history, other history disciplines.
Example feats:
- Study history. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * history skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Hunting and fishing

Hunting wild animals and fishing.
Example feats:
- Hunting game. Ability = perception talent + 2 * hunting and fishing skill. Difficulty: 3 to catch animals that are too stupid or unable to run away; 6 for knowledge of obvious places where wildlife gathers, to stalk unwary animals and kill them; 9 to find game trails and set effective traps; 12 to track and stalk prey, hunt with missile weapons; 15 to trick game animals into submission with minimal tools.
- Fishing. Ability = perception talent + 2 * hunting and fishing skill. Difficulty: 6 for knowledge of obvious places where fish are abundant, fish with nets and fishing rod; 9 to fish with missile weapons.
Illusionism is simpler than most magic in that it does not actually change things, only their appearance.
Still, in a world where reality as flexible and highly susceptible to belief, it can be powerful magic.
High mages use mirrors, light effects, magical cloaks and more to work their magic.
Technomancers may use holographics.
Mystics can affect the perception of others by mind-to-mind communication.
Example feats:
- Create an illusion. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * illusionism skill. Difficulty: 6 for a vague illusion; 8 for a rough one that encompasses only one sensory field (sight / sound / smell / touch / taste) and may hold under cursory glance or view from great distance, but will not pass a few moments of study; 10 for a detailed one that spans two sensory fields and can pass some study but not a close inspection; 12 for a sharp one that covers all senses and can pass close inspection.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Credibility: ordinary, for example an extra sword in a row of swords stacked in a smithy 0; strange, like a very expensive jeweled sword in a smithy that normally sells only second-rate weapons +2; unbelievable, for instance a sword that yelps when a smith hammers it into shape +4; astounding, something like a sword changing into a dragon and growing to its full size in a few seconds +6.
- Duration: brief 0; extended +2; day +4; month +6
Pry information from unwilling subjects.
Example feats:
- Interrogate: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * interrogation skill. Difficulty: 3 to bully frightened people into submission; 6 for knowledge of simple tricks to scare people and get them talking from fear; 9 for knowledge of psychological tactics and torturing techniques to break the silence of determined people during an interrogation; 13 to get strong-willed people to speak up during an interrogation, if given time; 17 to learn the primal fears of people and break the will of even the strongest ones by coercion and intimidation.
Juggling objects.
Example feats:
- Juggling. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * juggling skill. Difficulty: 4 to juggle 2 objects simultaneously; 6 to do a cascade with 3 objects; 7 to do a fountain with 4 objects;
Difficulty modifiers:
- Pattern: +1 to +4 for advanced patterns
- Number: +2 for every two extra objects juggled
- People: +2 for every extra juggler participating
- Movement: standing still 0; walking +3; jogging +6; running +9
Jumping far and/or high.
Example feats:
- Jumping. Ability = 2 * strength talent + jumping skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 0.5 meters for a long jump; 1 point per 0.12 meters for a high jump.
Jumping and saulting
Making acrobatic jumps.
Example feats:
- Jumping and saulting. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * jumping and saulting skill. Difficulty: 0 for straight jumps; 4 to stand one one's hands; 6 to walk one one's hands; 8 to make a forward or backward salto; 12 to make a double salto, or salto with screw; 15 to make a jump with saltos and/or screws and land in a tiny area, jump through a small hole and land on one's feet.
Play keyboard instruments.
Example feats:
- Playing keyboards: Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * keyboards skill. Difficulty: 3 to play very simple tunes; 6 to play simple tunes with some errors; 9 to play practiced tunes without errors; 12 to perform good solos and improvisations; 15 to express feelings through music clearly.
Knowledge of languages.
Example feats:
- Speak / hear language. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * languages skill. Difficulty: 3 for a handful of words and very crude pronunciation; 6 for limited vocabulary with heavy accent; 9 to transmit and comprehend most messages; 12 to transmit and comprehend difficult messages with a slight accent; 15 for a rich trove of words, no accent at all; 18 for a complete mastery of the entire language, including all words and idiom.
The language skill can be studied multiple times, one time per language. Sign languages, though not spoken, are also considered to be regular languages. The GM may group some languages together into groups, so that proficiency in one language automatically gives proficiency in a related language too, though a few points lower. Characters are assumed to have a starting level of 5 in their native language. Any accent is recognizable local dialect.

Study and explain law phenomena. Includes criminal law, international law, property law and other law disciplines.
Example feats:
- Study law. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * law skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Working leather.
Example feats:
- Leather working. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * leatherworking skill. Difficulty: 3 to clean hides and cut them into crude objects; 6 to do tanning, cut hides into simple clothing, do simple repairs; 9 to make usable clothing; 12 to make leather and studded leather armor.
Study and explain linguistics. Includes etymology, languages, literature, morphology, phonetics, rhetoric and other linguistics disciplines.
Example feats:
- Study linguistics. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * linguistics skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Improving physical fitness through massage.
Example feats:
- Applying a massage. Ability = perception talent + 2 * massage skill. Difficulty is 2 to revive sleeping limbs; 5 for an effective relaxing massage; 8 to ease the pain coming from muscle aches and disorders, lumbago and the like; 16 to dampen effects of infections and other non muscle related afflictions.
Study numbers, calculation and logic.
Example feats:
- Study mathematics. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * mathematics skill. Difficulty: 3 to count natural numbers; 5 to and subtract natural numbers; 8 to do simple calculations multiplications and divisions, handle fractions; 9 to do advanced calculations like extracting roots and calculating missile trajectories; 12 to handle algebra, stochastics, trigonometry; 18 to solve fundamental mathematical problems.
Construct, repair and operate machines.
Example feats:
- Construct machines or make repairs. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * mechanics skill. Difficulty: 3 to operate a simple machine, do simple and obvious repairs; 6 to operate complex machines, do repairs beyond basic level, assemble machinery according to specifications; 9 to repair almost any machine of known technology with the proper tools, time and other resources; 12 to improvise repairs with non-standard materials.
- Design machinery. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * mechanics skill. Difficulty: 9 to design and implement minor enhancements; 13 to design and implement major enhancements; 17 to design radical innovations.
Curing injuries, diseases, poisonings and other body ailments. Includes first aid, herbalism and surgery.
Example feats:
- Diagnosing a disease. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * medical skill. Difficulty is 7 for common diseases; 10 for uncommon ones; 13 for rare ones.
- Preparing medicine. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * medical skill. Difficulty is 1 for minor health damage; 4 for light; 7 for moderate; 10 for serious; 13 for critical; 16 for lethal.
- Performing surgery. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * medical skill. Difficulty is 1 for minor health damage; 4 for light; 7 for moderate; 10 for serious; 13 for critical; 16 for lethal.
Fighting in hand-to-hand combat.
Example feats:
- Hitting an enemy (contested feat). Ability = dexterity talent + melee skill + weapon melee factor; difficulty = dexterity talent + melee skill + weapon melee factor + shield bonus. Also see the combat manual.
Memorize information.
Example feats:
- Memorization. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * memorization skill. Difficulty: 3 to remember (subjective) important events vividly; 6 to describe a picture or scene in detail long after studying it for a few minutes; 9 to describe a picture or scene in detail long after studying it for a few seconds; 11 to remember long routes through mazes without difficulty; 13 to recite a short conversation word for word after hearing it once 16 to recite a long conversation word for word after hearing it once.

Smithing metal.
Example feats:
- Metalworking. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * metalsmithing skill. Difficulty: 3 to mine raw ore; 6 to extract metals from ore, melt it and make crude objects; 9 for blacksmithing, i.e. making and repairing tools; 12 to make and repair weapons like swords and mail armor; 14 to make and repair plate armor; 16 to make fragile constructs and jewelry.
Making forms in stone (sculpting), wood (carving), wax, clay or other malleable substances.
Example feats:
- Modelling. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * modelling skill. Difficulty: 3 to make childish art; 6 to make simple compositions, with recognizable subjects; 9 to accurately display landscapes objects, people and the like; 13 to make artistic abstract art that is recognizable by more people than just the artist; 16 to display objects, feelings and moods with just a few moves.
Music directing
Direct an orchestra.
Example feats:
- Music directing: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * music directing skill. Difficulty: 3 to hum a tune for musicians to copy; 6 to direct a single musician; 9 to direct a small group of musicians; 13 to direct a large orchestra.
Necromancy usually is black magic; it involves crossing the border between life and death and commanding undead.
However, it can also be used to fight undead and other evils.
There is also some thanaturgy involved, working with death instead of undead.
Shamans may call upon the spirits of their ancestors to gain information and they can sometimes command them.
Polytheistic priests may call upon the local god of the underworld for assistance.
High mages write their black rituals in secret tomes and bargain heavily with the spirits in return for power.
Mystics can cross the lines between life and death.
Example feats:
- Perform necromancy. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * necromancy skill. Difficulty: 8 to animate zombies or skeletons; 10 to locate undead in the area; 12 to speak with the dead; 14 to raise the (recently) dead back to life; 18 to perform the ritual to become a lich.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Duration: brief 0; extended +2; day +4; month +6
- Number: self / other 0; party +2; crowd +4; army +6
Necromancers can conjure or abjure undead just like conjurers do with spirits in general. A special feat is to kill a creature by sucking out its life force and bind its spirit; this has a difficulty of 18.
Arbitrate in disputes.
Example feats:
- Negotiate: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * negotiation skill. Difficulty: 3 to act as mediator in small disputes; 6 to calm hot arguments; 9 to act as a mediator in sensitive business deals; 13 to forge (temporary?) agreements between bitter enemies; 16 to forge (temporary?) agreements between arch-enemies and settle feuds.
Speaking in public.
Example feats:
- Making a speech: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * oration skill. Difficulty: 3 to tell a simple story or make an easy point; 6 to make a plea or oration without stammering, muttering or too much wandering around the message; 9 to present a story, plea, argument or oration that binds the attention of an audience; 13 to impose an idea or opinion on a skeptical crowd; 16 to impose an idea or opinion on a unreceptive crowd.
Play percussion instruments.
Example feats:
- Playing percussion: Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * percussion skill. Difficulty: 3 to play very simple tunes; 6 to play simple tunes with some errors; 9 to play practiced tunes without errors; 12 to perform good solos and improvisations; 15 to express feelings through music clearly.
Study and explain physical phenomena. Includes astronomy, electromagnetism, optics, thermodynamics and other physics disciplines. In fantasy worlds, includes astrology too.
Example feats:
- Study physics. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * physics skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Stealing objects from a victim's body.
Example feats:
- Pickpocketing. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * pickpocketing skill. Difficulty: 3 to steal objects that are hanging loose; 6 to steal objects that are only half exposed; 9 to steal objects that are hidden in pockets; 12 to steal objects that are stuck to the victim's clothing; 15 to steal objects that are stuck to the victim's body, like earrings.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Alertness skill of the victim: +1 per skill level
Drawing, painting and calligraphy.
Example feats:
- Modelling. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * picturing skill. Difficulty: 3 to make childish art; 6 to make simple compositions, with recognizable subjects; 9 to accurately display landscapes objects, people and the like; 13 to make artistic abstract art that is recognizable by more people than just the artist; 16 to display objects, feelings and moods with just a few strokes.

Operate vehicles, land-based, naval and airborne.
Example feats:
- Piloting. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * piloting skill. Difficulty: 3 to do basic steering, acceleration and breaking; 6 to operate vehicles with simple controls in spaces with sparse obstacles; 9 to handle vehicles in dense traffic or confined spaces; 12 to handle large and bulky craft in rough terrain, treacherous waters or confined spaces, handle craft with complex controls; 15 to Negotiate obstacle courses at high speeds; 18 to maneuver large and bulky craft with centimeter precision, if necessary at high speeds and/or in rough terrain or confined spaces.
Play piping instruments.
Example feats:
- Playing pipes: Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * pipes skill. Difficulty: 3 to play very simple tunes; 6 to play simple tunes with some errors; 9 to play practiced tunes without errors; 12 to perform good solos and improvisations; 15 to express feelings through music clearly.
Plant art
Flower arranging, bonsai growing, etc.
Example feats:
- Plant art. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * plant art skill. Difficulty: 3 to tidy plants a bit; 6 to make simple compositions; 9 to make artistic compositions; 13 to make artistic abstract art that is recognizable by more people than just the artist; 16 to display objects, feelings and moods with just a few adjustments.
Study and explain political phenomena.
Example feats:
- Study politics. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * politics skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Prose and poetry
Composing prose stories and poems.
Example feats:
- Writing stories. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * writing Prose and poetry skill. Difficulty: 3 to recite simple life stories; 6 to read and write, write entertaining stories; 9 to write reports, articles, striking stories; 12 to bind the attention of a large and diverse public; 17 to write world classics.
Puppet theater
Act out plays with puppets, or a shadow theater.
Example feats:
- Puppet theater. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * puppet theater skill. Difficulty: 3 to set up screens, jostle with puppets; 6 to perform a simple puppet / shadow theater play; 9 to perform an elaborate puppet / shadow theater play; 13 to handle several puppets at once without flaws; 16 to work with half-shadows.
Study and explain psychological phenomena.
Example feats:
- Study psychology. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * psychology skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Riding animals as steeds.
Example feats:
- Riding: Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * riding skill. Difficulty: 3 to ride a domesticated mount which is walking slowly; 6 to ride a domesticated mount in trot; 7 to ride a domesticated mount in canter; 9 to ride a domesticated mount in gallop; 12 to jump into or out of a saddle in a nimble jump, urge a mount to high speeds and big leaps, steer a mount without using hands, ride without a saddle; 15 to perform acrobatics on, at the side or under a mount, ride an undomesticated mount; 16 to sleep while riding fast without falling off.

Running fast.
Example feats:
- Sprinting. Ability = 2 * strength talent + running skill. Difficulty 1 point per 0.55 meters / second.
- Long distance running. Ability = 2 * health talent + running skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 0.33 meters / second.
Scrying (spatial divination)
Scrying means observing creatures, objects or places from a distance.
It usually comes down to viewing, but other senses can also be used instead.
Shamans often send out an animal or some kind of spirit to spy for them and then report back.
High mages use crystal balls and other devices, but also employ spirits.
Priests may receive a vision from their god.
Mystics expand their consciousness, with or without drugs to help them, to encompass the world around them.
Technomages use devices like telescopes and such.
Example feats:
- Scrying. Ability = perception talent + 2 * scrying skill. Difficulty: 8 to spy on something or someone that is well known though a long relation or thorough study; 10 for a subject that is known personally or studied for some time; 12 for a subject that is known only superficially.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Duration: brief 0; extended +2; day +4; month +6
- Number of senses: one 0; two +2; all +4
- Subject awareness: clearly detectable 0; some feeling of being observed +2; undetectable +4
Shape changing
Shape changing a.k.a. therianthropy is changing one's body to the form of another type of creature.
Shamans make invoke spirits to partially possess them.
High mages use magic potions, arcane spells and other tools.
Technomancers may fiddle with genetics, radioactivity and the like.
Mystics can change the nature of their consciousness, falling back on their animal roots, and change their bodies along the way.
Example feats:
- Shape changing. Ability = health talent + 2 * shape changing skill. Difficulty: 8 to take over an attribute of another species, for example becoming as strong as a bear, gaining the night vision of an owl, or being able to weave webs like a spider; 10 to assume a hybrid form, half human and half animal / monsters / spirit; 12 for a full shape change without mastery of unknown limbs and senses; 14 for a shape change including mastery of all limbs and senses.
A full shape change without mastery of limbs and senses leaves the mage in a strange and unaccustomed body. For example, a human mage will probably be able to walk in a quadruped body, but will take time to master a gallop, let alone learn how to fly in a body with wings. A very alien body like that of snake or an insect may take weeks, months or even years to master. Not only motion is important, but senses too. It takes the human brain quite some adaptation to get accustomed to a hawk's near 360° vision, for instance.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Shape: animal 0; plant +2; dead item +4; any form (like a body of water or wisp of wind) +6.
- Target: self 0, other +2, party +4, crowd +6.
- Duration: extended 0, day +2, month +4; years +6.
Note that shape changing is not a method of disguise. A shape changer can take the form of another species, but in each form will have a unique appearance. For example a mage with a big nose in human form will have a big nose in bear form too.
Throwing or shooting missiles with hand held weapons in combat.
Example feats:
- Hitting an enemy (contested feat). Ability = dexterity talent + shooting skill + weapon missile factor; difficulty = dexterity talent + 3 * shield bonus. Also see the combat manual.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Direction: Shooting from behind gives a +2 bonus to attack.
In the missile weapon table a range is listed for every weapon.
This is the maximum effective range to which missiles can be fired with the weapon.
When operating at one quarter or less of this range, the weapon operates at full effectiveness.
At longer ranges, the chances of hitting go down and the missile will also do less damage, unless it is a self-propelled missile, a laser gun ray or something like that.
At ranges more than 1½ times longer than the effective range, Totte considers the weapon unusable.
Range Attack Damage Point blank 0% - 25% 0 0 Short 26% - 50% -1 0 Medium 51% - 75% -2 -1 Long 76% - 100% -3 -2 Extreme 101% - 150% -6 -4 - Wind: dead calm or light wind 0; moderate wind +1, strong +2 and storm winds +4
- Light: normal light 0; twilight +1; moonlight +2 to +3;, starlight +4 in starlight; total darkness +6, assuming that the shooters can still partially see, hear or otherwise track their targets.
If a target is protected by a solid barrier, then it receives a defense penalty that is proportional to the size of the body that is covered.
If the full body is hidden then the bonus is +12.
If the cover is not solid, for instance foliage rather than a wall, then the bonus is decreased. The GM decides on the effectiveness of the cover based on its density and solidness.
The cover provided by shields is handled by the shield bonus, see above. If a defender crouches behind his shield, rather than standing upright, the shield bonus is doubled. If both cover and shield apply then their bonuses are cumulative, though if they overlap each other then only the extra cover is added to the shield bonus. - Movement: Penalties for moving targets are: Standing still: 0; walking -1; running -2; sprinting -3. The penalties are for a target that moves orthogonally to the line of fire. The penalty is decreased at smaller angles, until half values when it is moving straight towards or from the shooter.
Send and interpret coded signals.
Example feats:
- Signaling. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * signaling skill. Difficulty: 3 to send and interpret simple code messages; 8 to send and interpret medium difficult code messages like Morse code; 10 to send and interpret code messages that are like a limited spoken language; 15 to send and interpret code messages that rival a spoken language in complexity.
Singing songs.
Example feats:
- Singing: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * singing skill. Difficulty: 3 to play very simple tunes; 6 to play simple tunes with some errors; 9 to play practiced tunes without errors; 12 to perform good solos and improvisations; 15 to express feelings through music clearly.
Study and explain sociology phenomena. Includes anthropology, criminology, demographics, ideology and other sociology disciplines.
Example feats:
- Study sociology. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * sociology skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Skating on ice.
Example feats:
- Sprint skating. Ability = 2 * strength talent + skating skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 0.8 meters / second.
- Long distance skating. Ability = 2 * health talent + skating skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 0.7 meters / second.
- Figure skating. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * skating skill. Difficulty: 3 to stand upright on skates; 6 to do basic skating; 8 to make tight turns; 11 to make jumps and pirouettes; 14 to make saltos and screws.
Skiing on snow.
Example feats:
- Skiing. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * skiing skill. Difficulty: 3 to do langlaufing; 6 to ski down a gentle slope; 8 to ski down a moderate slope; 11 to ski down a steep slope; 14 to make saltos and screws.

Move undetected.
Example feats:
- Walk silently. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * stealth skill. Difficulty: 3 to approach somebody in noisy conditions; 6 to walk silently on an even and solid surface; 9 to walk silent on somewhat creaky surfaces; 12 to stalk silently through sparse undergrowth; 14 to walk silent through scrub.
- Walk hidden. Ability = perception talent + 2 * stealth skill. Difficulty: 3 to approach somebody from behind; 6 to hide in deep shadows; 9 to use camouflage to remain hidden in mediocre light conditions; 15 to sneak up to somebody in broad daylight, if there is a little cover.
Carving and engraving in stone.
Example feats:
- Masonry. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * stoneworking skill. Difficulty: 3 to mine raw stone, chisel crude objects; 6 to select proper stone, chisel simple objects; 9 to chisel usable tools and recognizable statues; 12 to make fragile constructs; 14 to work with difficult materials like hard stone.
- Gemcutting. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * stoneworking skill. Difficulty: 2 to cut gems into random pieces; 6 to recognize minerals and know their properties; 9 to cut and polish gemstones; 12 to work with diamonds; 14 to cut tiny diamonds.
Tell a story to an audience.
Example feats:
- Storytelling. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * storytelling skill. Difficulty: 3 to tell jokes and anecdotes; 6 for knowledge of folk stories; 9 to bind an audience with tales of folklore and recent events of importance; 13 to act as stand-up comedian; 16 to bind an audience even with a basically dull story.
Survive in urban environments.
Example feats:
- Live on the streets. Ability = charisma or intelligence talent + 2 * streetwise skill. Difficulty: 3 to avoid shady districts; 6 for knowledge of basic titles and proper signs of respect, do's and don'ts and the basic balance of power; 9 to handle slang and gestures, knowledge of where to get food, money and the like, fool any commoner when posing as one of them; 12 to speak with the right accent, know where to find information, try to infiltrate subcultures; 16 to obtain almost any kind of available information on the street, if not too confidential.
Play string instruments.
Example feats:
- Playing strings: Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * strings skill. Difficulty: 3 to play very simple tunes; 6 to play simple tunes with some errors; 9 to play practiced tunes without errors; 12 to perform good solos and improvisations; 15 to express feelings through music clearly.
Hiding or perceiving the truth.
Example feats:
- Lying: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * subterfuge skill. Difficulty: 3 to hide lies with effort; 6 to lie without blushing, trembling and other signs of nervousness; 9 to convince unwary people of strong but not too fantastic lies; 13 to convince unwary people of blatant lies and/or great fantasies; 16 to make people wary people doubt blatant lies.
- Perceiving: Ability = perception talent + 2 * subterfuge skill. Difficulty: 3 to guess at people's motives; 6 to make educated guesses about people's motives; 9 to make good estimates of people's attitude and motives; 13 to pull real secrets out of unwary people; 16 to get hints of hidden information from wary people.
Peddling through water without boats or tools.
Example feats:
- Sprint swimming. Ability = strength talent + 2 * swimming skill. Difficulty: 3 to treat water; 5 to swim with normal stroke; 8 to swim underwater; 10 to swim with breast crawl; 11 to do rescue swimming; 14 to swim through rough seas or strong currents; speed 1 point per 0.12 meters per second.
- Long distance swimming. Ability = health talent + 2 * swimming skill. Difficulty: 1 point per 0.08 meters per second.
- Platform diving. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * swimming skill. Difficulty: 5 for shallow dives; 8 for medium dives; 10 for deep dives; 12 for dives with salto; 15 for dives with multiple saltos or screws.
Tea ceremony
Perform the Asian tea ceremony.
Example feats:
- Perform tea ceremony. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * tea ceremony skill. Difficulty: 3 to serve tea without spilling; 6 for knowledge of tea ceremony procedure, assist; 9 to perform entire tea ceremony; 12 to inspire tranquility with a tea ceremony; 14 to inspire harmony with a tea ceremony.
Transfer knowledge to others.
Example feats:
- Teaching: Ability = charisma talent + 2 * teaching skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain things to interested audiences with enough time; 6 to bind the attention of audience, structure lessons; 9 to teach a class of children; 13 to explain things to full understanding of an unprepared audience; 15 to explain the most advanced theory to stupid people in understandable terms.
theater directing
Direct a group of actors.
Example feats:
- theater directing. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * theater directing skill. Difficulty: 3 to encourage actors; 6 to direct a single actor; 9 to direct a small group of actors; 12 to direct a large group of actors and technicians; 15 to make actors transcend themselves.
Study and explain theological phenomena.
Example feats:
- Study theology. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * theology skill. Difficulty: 3 to explain some everyday natural phenomena; 6 to explain most natural phenomena; 9 for knowledge of basic theory, principles, dogma's and scientific jargon, assist in experiments; 12 to devise, conduct and analyze scientific experiments, devise new applications of existing theory; 18 to move science forward by formulating new theories and/or devising trend breaking experiments.
Throwing objects.
Example feats:
- Throwing far. Ability = 2 * strength talent + throwing skill. Difficulty 0 for throwing a 10 kilogram weight 0.8 mtrs; 1 for 0.96 mtrs; 2 for 1.1 mtrs; 3 for 1.4 mtrs; 4 for 1.6 mtrs; 5 for 2.0 mtrs; 6 for 2.3 mtrs; 7 for 2.8 mtrs; 8 for 3.3 mtrs; 9 for 4.0 mtrs; 10 for 4.8 mtrs; 11 for 5.7 mtrs; 12 for 6.8 mtrs; 13 for 8.2 mtrs; 14 for 9.8 mtrs; 15 for 12 mtrs; 16 for 14 mtrs; 17 for 17 mtrs; 18 for 20 mtrs.
- Hitting a target. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * throwing skill. Difficulty for hitting a man-sized target at point blank range is 0. The size of the target, range and other factors influence the difficulty. See the shooting skill for details.
Throwing distance is increased or decreased by the square root of the difference in weight if you throw a lighter or heavier object.
Distance is also decreased if the object is not dense and thus meets substantial air friction.
The figures listed above are for a thrusting method of throwing (like that used in an Olympic shot or javelin-throw) or with a brief swing (like that used for throwing a light axe or knife).
If the throwing character uses a slinging throw (like with an Olympic discus or sling weapon), the distance is about 1½ - 4 times greater, depending on the radius of the swinging circle.
Tightrope walking

Balancing on a stretched rope.
Example feats:
- Tightrope walking. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * tightrope walking skill. Difficulty: 0 to hang on to a tightrope with hands and move as long as arm strength holds; 7 to walk a tightrope with a balancing stick; 10 to walk a tightrope without a balancing stick; 13 to walk a loose rope; 16 to walk swinging tightropes.
Tracing tracks.
Example feats:
- Tracking. Ability = perception talent + 2 * tracking skill. Difficulty: 1 to follow obvious tracks through loose soil or snow, broken branches, a trail of blood, etc; 3 to determine rough speed (walking / running / sprinting) 4 to follow tracks on forest ground; 5 to determine number of creatures tracked; 6 to identify general species of tracked creatures; 7 to follow tracks through grass; 8 to determine encumbrance level of creatures tracked; 9 to identify specific species of tracked creatures; 10 to determine rough age of tracks; 11 to follow tracks over rocky soil; 14 to follow tracks over hard stone; 17 to follow tracks over busy roads.
A tracker can also hide her own tracks and those of her companions, making tracking by another person a contested feat. The obfuscating tracker gets a -1 penalty for every party member accompanying her. Hiding tracks reduces traveling speed to half normal walking speed.
Following people unnoticed.
Example feats:
- Skiing. Ability = perception talent + 2 * trailing skill. Difficulty: 3 to trail unaware victims through dense crowds; 6 to trail people through sparse crowds; 9 to trail people through unpopulated areas; 12 to trail wary people; 15 to trail people who are actively trying to shake their pursuer.
Trapeze working
Swinging on the trapeze.
Example feats:
- Trapeze working. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * trapeze skill. Difficulty: 5 to swing from one static bar to another; 8 to swing from one static bar to another; 10 to jump between swinging bars and hang by the knees; 12 to make a salto during bar jumps; 15 to jump between bars that do not swing in one plane.
Traveling through the wilderness.
Example feats:
- Scrambling through very heavy terrain. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * trekking skill. Difficulty: 2 to walk over uneven ground; 5 to travel through wooded terrain with dense undergrowth; 8 to cut a way through dense jungle; 11 to travel up or down wet and densely wooded hills; 14 to plough through intensely waterlogged soil.
- Plot route through wilderness. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * trekking skill. Difficulty: 3 to travel short distances without getting lost; 6 to make day-long trek without getting blisters, cramps or dehydration, navigate with good map and compass; 9 to avoid natural dangers like quicksand and ticks, navigate with sketchy map and sunlight; 12 to find the optimal route through heavy terrain without a map.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Light: twilight +1; moonlight +2 to +3; starlight +4; total darkness +6 .
Troop command
Lead a group of soldiers.
Example feats:
- Commanding troops. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * troop command skill. Difficulty: 3 to try to command other people by charisma; 6 for knowledge of military command hierarchy and drill, issue simple commands, command a small tactical unit; 9 for knowledge of basic military tactics and logistics, lead a large tactical unit; 13 for knowledge of advanced military logistics and basic strategy, lead a small army; 16 for knowledge of advanced military strategy, lead a large army or an army group.
Throw a voice or read it.
Example feats:
- Throw a voice. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * ventriloquism skill. Difficulty: 6 to speak with minimal movements of the mouth; 9 to relocate apparent source of voice about 1 meter; 12 to relocate apparent source of voice several meters; 16 to throw two different voices at the same time.
- Lipreading. Ability = perception talent + 2 * ventriloquism skill. Difficulty: 3 to catch a few word from someone who is articulating very strongly; 6 to read full sentences; 9 to read lips of someone in a normal conversation; 12 to catch the gist of a half hidden conversation.
Voice mimicry
Imitate a voice.
Example feats:
- Imitate a voice. Ability = charisma talent + 2 * voice mimicry skill. Difficulty: 4 to change one's own voice a bit; 6 to change the sound of one's own voice considerably; 9 to imitate the voice of almost any person accurately; 12 to imitate voices of animals; 15 to imitate almost any sound.
Weather magic

This type of magic simply involves changing the weather around the caster.
Shamans will call upon weather spirits. Priests will do the same to weather gods.
Technomancers may use cloud machines and the like, though weather magic is rare among them.
Example feats:
- Changing the weather. Ability = intelligence talent + 2 * weather magic skill. Difficulty: 6 for basic change; +1 for every step of change for every aspect. See the list of scalars for a list of weather aspects and steps. One more aspect is added, namely wind direction, in steps of 1/4 circle. Note that changing one aspect may automatically affect others somewhat, without increasing difficulty.
Difficulty modifiers:
- Area: city 0, estate +2, country +4, state +6, continent +8.
- Duration: extended 0, day +3, month +6; years +10.
Weather sense
Predict future weather.
Example feats:
- Weather sense. Ability = perception talent + 2 * weather sense skill. Difficulty is 3 to predict obvious weather changes like a nearby upcoming thunderstorm; 6 to predict non-obvious weather changes like change of wind; 10 to predict the weather for a full day ahead; 14 to predict the weather for several days ahead.
Lifting heavy weights. Has no direct relation with encumbrance limits.
Example feats:
- Weightlifting (over the head). Ability = 2 * strength talent + weightlifting skill. Difficulty 1 for 15 kg; 2 for 18 kg; 3 for 21 kg; 4 for 24 kg; 5 for 28 kg; 6 for 33 kg; 7 for 38 kg; 8 for 45 kg; 9 for 52 kg; 10 for 61 kg; 11 for 72 kg; 12 for 84 kg; 13 for 98 kg; 14 for 114 kg; 14 for 134 kg; 15 for 156 kg; 16 for 183 kg; 17 for 214 kg; 18 for 250 kg.
- Deadlifting (up to the hips). Ability = 2 * strength talent + weightlifting skill. Difficulty 1 for 25 kg; 2 for 29 kg; 3 for 34 kg; 4 for 40 kg; 5 for 48 kg; 6 for 56 kg; 7 for 66 kg; 8 for 77 kg; 9 for 90 kg; 10 for 106 kg; 11 for 125 kg; 12 for 146 kg; 13 for 172 kg; 14 for 202 kg; 14 for 237 kg; 15 for 278 kg; 16 for 326 kg; 17 for 383 kg; 18 for 450 kg.
Writing characters on paper or other surfaces.
Example feats:
- Writing. Ability = dexterity talent + 2 * writing skill. Difficulty: 3 to learn an alphabet and write crude character; 6 to learn an extensive alphabet and write readable characters; 9 to know an ideographic system partially and to write neatly; 12 to know a full ideographic system and perform proper calligraphy; 15 to create artful, striking calligraphy.