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Totte - technology

Mabry mill
Mabry mill


Though the focus of Totte is on fantasy settings, this does not exclude technology. After all, according the Arthur C. Clarke's third law any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. The word 'technology' is rather modern, but the phenomenon is as old is mankind itself. Humans are tool users; tools, even the most basic flint axe, are technology. So the question is not whether to include technology in a fantasy setting, but how much.
An easy way is to assign the game world a technology level. This is a rough level that specifies the general advancement of technology across all possible fields. This level need not be absolute. Some regions of the world may be more advanced than others; technology from ancient or alien civilizations may linger around; a few geniuses may be ahead of their time. Totte offers a guideline with 11 levels:

Level Materials Energy Transport Communication Inventions Food Industry Trade Military Politics Religion Science
0 Animal   food walking primitive speech   hunting, gathering            
1 Neolithic stone, bone, wood fire sledge, raft spoken language sewing needle, weapons hunting with traps and weapons, slash & burn agriculture, husbandry handcraft barter hand weapons tribe animism  
2 Ancient pottery, copper, bronze, iron, paper, glass animals, watermill wheel, canoe, galley writing, homing pigeon house irrigation, manuring workshops, mass labor currency, marketplace body armor, cavalry, fortifications and sieges theocracy, monarchy, city-state, republic polytheism philosophy, academy
3 Medieval steel windmill       rotation build, heavy plough   bank   feudalism monotheism university
4 Renaissance     oceangoing ship printing press mechanical clock, telescope, microscope, logarithms crop rotation   paper money, trade company gunpowder, explosives     empirical science
5 Industrial concrete, rubber steam, electricity balloon, railroad telegraph, typewriter, photography, microphone, gramophone, telephone gyroscope, pasteurization   factory stock exchange rifling, machine gun nationalism, socialism, democracy    
6 Mechanized aluminum, plastics combustion automobile, airplane radio electronics, vacuum tube, flashlight, antibiotics, quartz watch farming machines, vegetable greenhouse, herbicides and pesticides assembly line   semiautomatic rifle, tank, battleship, submarine, fighter, bomber, chemical weapons, bio-weapons emancipation    
7 Nuclear composites nuclear fission jumbo jet, helicopter television artificial organs, computers, laser, LCD, MRI scanner, superconductors high-yield cereals, chemical fertilizers robot electronic money mechanized infantry, jet fighter, guided and ballistic missiles, nuclear bomb, radar      
8 Microtechnological intelligent materials nuclear fusion maglev, spacefaring internet, satellite network, neuro interface artificial intelligence, cloning biotechnology deep sea mining bitcoins stealth, sonic gun, laser gun, combat suit group mind    
9 Nanotechnological molecular transformation   graviton generator   stasis chamber eco systems, terraforming micromachines   microweapons Gaia entity    
10 Quantum atomic transformation antimatter warp field     weather control nanomachines   matter transformers      

Technology, skills and feats

space shuttle cockpit
space shuttle cockpit

Advancing technology has an increasing impact on the game world and the actions of characters in it. Roughly four stages can be discerned: