A laser emits light of a single frequency, almost eliminating diffraction.
Therefore it can concentrate almost all its energy in a narrow beam.
A laser beam can be used to dazzle / blind enemies, disrupt electronic systems or even destroy targets.
The big advantage of a laser is that its beam travels at the speed of light and thus cannot be detected in advance and evaded.
This makes it capable of intercepting attacking aircraft and missiles that approach at high speed.
Another advantage is the low cost of a laser 'shot'.
A disadvantage is blooming, i.e. the steady loss of energy of the beam while it travels through the air, especially when filled with fog or smoke.
This limits current laser weapons to short ranges.
Other disadvantages are large weight, the need for lots power and the large amount of excess heat generated with each shot.
Countermeasures against lasers include armor that deflects or reflects beams.
Lasers could become the weapon of choice in space warfare, as they do not require large amounts of heavy ammunition
and do not suffer from blooming in the vacuum of space.
Back on earth, an alternative to lasers are microwave weapons.
Microwaves have longer range and suffer less blooming.
War Matrix - Laser
Global Age 1991 CE - present, Weapons and technology