The military started to experiment with exoskeletons in the 1960's CE.
Only by the 2000's CE technology had advanced enough to produce usable prototypes.
Yet exoskeletons are still experimental.
Most models have problems with noise, durability and comfort, and most of all power;
many consume energy at such high rates that their use is very limited.
Large exoskeletons tend to be heavy and burden the wearer more than help him.
More humble designs that have met some success are passive systems that dampen the impact of steps while walking,
or draw energy from the exertions of the wearer to power small electronic devices.
Exoskeletons have the potential to assist in climbing, provide body armor and to integrate weapons,
though all that is a step beyond simple strength support and will require a large development effort.
War Matrix - Exoskeleton
Global Age 1991 CE - present, Weapons and technology