Richard's Jagged Alliance v1.13 build 7609 hirelings table


Index = index number in JA's hireling list; Name = full name; Nickname = nickname; Recruit = recruitment organization.
Skill 1 - 3 = major and minor skills.
Character = overall character; Weakness = character weakness; slp = need for sleep; Likes = buddies; Hates = enemies; evo = evolution, learning rate.
Level = experience level; HLH = Health; AGI = Agility; DEX = Dexterity; STR = Strength; LDR = Leadership; WIS = Wisdom; MRK = Marksmanship; MEC = Mechanical skill; EXP = Explosives skill; MED = Medical skill.
Salary = daily / weekly / biweekly salary.

Index Name Nickname Recruit Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Character Weakness slp Likes Hates evo Level HLH AGI DEX STR LDR WIS MRK MEC EXP MED Salary
149 Mike Mike rebels Auto Weapons Marksman bodybuilding Neutral None 7 Scully 1 8 97 95 94 90 78 96 99 98 97 67 10000 0 0
16 Gus Tarballs Gus AIM Heavy Weapons Heavy Weapons Deputy Loner None 10 Len 1 8 75 65 84 82 83 94 97 80 76 68 6000 37000 70000
29 Earl Walker Magic AIM Technician athletics stealthy Dauntless None 8 Blood, Ice Buns, Kaboom 1 5 95 99 98 92 16 80 94 91 27 24 5500 35000 65000
70 Lt. Conrad Gillitt Conrad rebels Auto Weapons Auto Weapons teaching Assertive Non Swimmer 5 Iggy 1 5 76 69 84 81 51 88 95 22 68 49 5500 0 0
31 Robert James Sullivan Scully AIM throwing melee athletics Sociable None 9 Mike Kaboom 1 5 90 90 96 85 70 93 92 61 66 36 4800 30000 53000
12 Carl Sheppards Reaper AIM Marksman Marksman stealthy Loner None 9 Shadow 1 6 81 92 92 79 37 81 97 37 47 2 4000 25000 48000
233 Maj. Spike Scallion Spike AIM Marksman Deputy scouting Dauntless None 6 Len Bernie 1 5 77 69 86 82 58 85 93 78 56 13 3900 23000 41000
237 Col. Leo Kelly Kelly AIM Marksman Heavy Weapons bodybuilding Dauntless None 7 Reuban 1 5 95 87 91 95 22 81 95 68 5 15 3900 24000 42000
10 Kyle Simmons Shadow AIM Hunter Hunter stealthy Loner None 6 1 5 95 96 83 88 35 77 92 12 22 30 3100 20500 39000
166 Lt. Horge Stogie MERC Heavy Weapons Heavy Weapons bodybuilding Aggressive None 7 Bull, Biff Trevor, Meltdown 1 7 98 78 84 96 33 77 89 74 43 11 3000 14000 25000
232 Alan Webster Spam AIM Paramedic Technician stealthy Optimist None 5 Raffi 1 5 85 97 79 81 41 88 79 78 24 57 3000 18000 34000
7 Ivan Dolvich Ivan AIM Auto Weapons Heavy Weapons bodybuilding Aggressive None 8 Igor, Grunty Reuban 1 4 94 90 95 87 35 83 92 14 55 15 2950 20000 38000
177 Rudolf Steiger Rudolf AIM Marksman night ops teaching Sociable Heat Intolerant 9 Laura, Henning Gasket 1 6 80 76 87 68 69 90 94 32 36 46 2900 18000 33000
36 Sheila Sterling Scope AIM Marksman night ops teaching Sociable None 7 Sidney 1 5 87 89 76 64 39 81 99 4 21 17 2900 19000 35000
2 Rudy Roberts Lynx AIM Marksman scouting night ops Assertive None 7 Ice Buzz, Smoke 1 4 81 79 86 77 39 71 99 29 50 34 2850 18500 35000
178 Gregory Block Spooky MERC Hunter Hunter melee Loner Psycho 2 Shadow 1 4 92 86 81 83 25 73 94 18 45 52 2800 0 0
5 Trevor Colby Trevor AIM Technician Technician demolitions Phlegmatic None 9 Fidel 1 2 95 77 98 79 27 97 81 99 88 7 2800 18000 32200
173 Henning von Branitz Henning AIM Auto Weapons Heavy Weapons teaching Neutral Claustrophobic 9 Rudolf Thor 0 7 79 86 82 78 76 96 92 32 42 28 2790 18700 35000
230 Glen Hatchet Boss AIM Technician Technician Hand-to-Hand Aggressive None 8 Screw Bernie 1 5 83 76 84 88 14 71 84 99 61 11 2650 16400 31000
170 Victor Kolesnikov Monk AIM Hunter Hunter Auto Weapons Loner None 7 Laura Ivan 1 4 74 92 90 78 39 84 94 32 22 38 2650 16600 30000
165 Gaston Cavalier Gaston MERC Marksman Marksman night ops Show-off Non Swimmer 7 Fox, Buns Malice, Flo 1 6 88 82 96 84 28 80 94 22 21 23 2500 11500 22000
26 Kirk Stevenson Static AIM Technician night ops Sociable Fear of Insects 10 Larry, Spider Larry, Stephen 1 4 79 66 95 59 15 60 86 99 28 17 2500 15000 25000
27 Corp. Len Anderson Len AIM Deputy Auto Weapons teaching Assertive None 7 Vicki, Spike Reuban 0 7 89 80 88 77 61 83 83 54 47 35 2400 15000 28000
175 Dr. Laura Colin Laura AIM Auto Weapons Paramedic stealthy Dauntless Heat Intolerant 8 Rudolf, Monk Buzz 1 5 78 67 85 70 37 87 82 33 53 57 2300 14900 26000
4 Victoria Waters Vicki AIM Gunslinger ambidextrous demolitions Optimist Claustrophobic 8 Lance 1 4 79 85 72 72 33 85 84 94 28 18 2200 14500 26000
23 Louisa Garneau Buzz AIM Auto Weapons Heavy Weapons athletics Aggressive Psycho 5 Lynx 1 4 71 84 47 68 13 90 96 5 19 0 2200 12000 18000
15 Sidney Nettleson Sidney AIM Gunslinger throwing demolitions Optimist None 8 Scope Skitz 1 5 80 70 91 76 27 78 92 2 15 44 2000 12500 22000
48 Jim Wallace Cougar MERC Auto Weapons stealthy scouting Dauntless None 6 Wolf, Len 1 5 88 83 79 87 31 75 93 58 45 33 2000 0 0
24 Ron Higgens Raider AIM Deputy Deputy teaching Show-off None 6 Raven 1 4 80 71 78 80 87 76 88 12 20 11 2000 12000 20000
13 Fidel Dahan Fidel AIM Hand-to-Hand demolitions Aggressive Psycho 6 Razor, Raffi Hurl 1 3 88 83 64 83 1 71 85 6 97 3 2000 9500 16000
171 Janno Allik Brain AIM Heavy Weapons Technician bodybuilding Loner None 7 Scream Sidney 1 3 94 82 79 94 38 88 78 76 43 28 2000 12000 22000
68 Igmus Palkov Iggy rebels Heavy Weapons Heavy Weapons Neutral None 7 1 5 88 81 79 85 15 71 87 42 21 33 1950 0 0
34 Edgar Smorth Nails AIM Technician demolitions Dauntless Claustrophobic 10 Fox Biff 1 4 72 60 88 90 24 79 84 63 78 11 1800 10000 16000
172 Lennart Vilde Scream AIM Auto Weapons night ops Deputy Assertive Heat Intolerant 7 Brain Dr. Q 1 4 81 82 78 79 67 83 76 37 23 34 1800 10100 15500
25 Charlene Higgens Raven AIM Auto Weapons Marksman night ops Aggressive None 6 Raider 1 2 85 76 92 68 19 77 94 5 5 17 1800 11000 19000
35 Thor Kaufman Thor AIM Paramedic stealthy Hand-to-Hand Sociable None 7 Ice, Static 1 3 96 83 84 89 61 97 74 35 11 70 1750 10000 15000
168 Col. Frederick Biggins Biggins MERC Deputy demolitions night ops Optimist Heat Intolerant 7 1 7 78 61 68 55 64 81 79 71 92 17 1600 0 0
20 Dr. Clifford Highball Cliff AIM Paramedic Paramedic Malicious None 5 Eli Raffi 1 4 82 60 53 64 33 87 84 4 31 84 1600 10000 16000
231 Johnny Edwards Snake AIM melee stealthy athletics Loner None 7 Ice 1 3 71 89 86 78 11 67 80 20 24 2 1600 9000 17000
30 Stephen Rothman Stephen AIM Deputy night ops teaching Assertive None 7 Static, Larry 1 5 97 71 78 80 59 94 82 15 66 15 1500 10000 17000
18 Ice Williams Ice AIM Auto Weapons Auto Weapons teaching Sociable None 7 Magic, Grizzly 1 3 90 88 87 84 23 78 86 42 3 7 1500 9000 15000
33 Dr. Q. Huaong Dr. Q AIM Hand-to-Hand Hand-to-Hand Paramedic Phlegmatic None 6 1 3 88 92 81 73 26 91 60 19 20 87 1500 7500 13000
174 Luc Fabre Lucky AIM Auto Weapons Hand-to-Hand Show-off None 7 Malice 1 3 78 86 71 82 58 85 88 35 33 30 1500 8900 14900
186 Dr. Mitch Shudlem Mitch AIM Paramedic Paramedic Pacifist None 8 Raffi 1 3 83 71 88 65 26 97 56 13 24 96 1500 8000 13000
242 Dr. Mark Kranhuim Needle AIM Paramedic Paramedic melee Phlegmatic 7 1 3 92 80 81 73 27 88 62 37 8 93 1450 9500 16800
37 Peter Sanderson Wolf AIM bodybuilding night ops teaching Loner None 8 Fox, Lynx Pops 1 3 90 83 86 85 22 76 79 65 40 48 1400 8000 14000
28 Dr. Daniel Quinten Danny AIM Paramedic Paramedic ambidextrous Loner None 8 Steroid, Bubba 1 3 99 99 79 73 10 91 61 12 0 88 1300 8000 14000
241 Russel Hunter Rusty AIM Technician night ops demolitions Pacifist None 10 Weasel 1 5 74 71 89 81 12 68 69 46 80 8 1250 7500 13000
32 J.P. Viau Malice AIM Hand-to-Hand melee bodybuilding Aggressive None 10 Fox, Spider Dyno 1 3 83 81 97 89 13 55 83 14 16 12 1200 6000 10000
248 Dr. Margaret Trammel Stella AIM Paramedic Paramedic Dauntless None 6 Mouse Hurl 1 3 85 24 75 78 43 88 69 21 0 89 1200 7600 13000
250 Murray Ebstern Moses AIM Technician Hunter Intellectual Forgetful 10 Pops Gary -- 5 49 39 29 42 52 89 84 88 31 29 1000 5000 8500
22 Frank Hennessy Hitman AIM throwing Deputy teaching Sociable Non Swimmer 10 Grunty Jimmy 1 4 75 77 40 69 52 74 88 11 39 3 1000 6000 11000
167 Tex Colburn Tex MERC Hunter Gunslinger ambidextrous Show-off Claustrophobic 7 Fox, Larry 1 4 81 77 74 70 3 52 88 44 2 4 1000 0 0
236 Capt. Bob Adams Bob AIM Auto Weapons teaching radio operator Assertive None 8 Bud Sam 1 3 77 68 66 72 44 91 75 28 36 40 1000 5750 10000
240 Lt. Bud Hellar Bud AIM Marksman night ops snitch Sociable Heat Intolerant 8 Bob Mitch 1 3 73 79 75 72 20 69 86 28 21 24 1000 5750 10000
8 Bobby Gontarski Steroid AIM Technician Technician bodybuilding Primitive None 5 Ivan, Igor 1 1 99 56 48 97 9 62 89 76 13 22 950 5000 8000
11 Ernie Spragg Red AIM Technician demolitions teaching Neutral Nervous 8 Buns 1 4 68 66 81 69 21 79 78 33 99 5 900 5900 10000
234 Jimmy Upton Jimmy AIM Technician ambidextrous Phlegmatic Non Swimmer 8 Magic Lynx 1 4 84 82 73 90 11 47 56 92 30 4 900 5100 9800
49 Tim Sutton Numb MERC Hand-to-Hand Hand-to-Hand night ops Loner None 8 Sidney, Vicki 1 3 84 72 61 78 10 70 88 9 13 30 900 0 0
226 Samuel Garver Sam MERC Hunter melee teaching Sociable 10 Leon 0 7 62 58 55 58 33 88 86 72 43 21 850 0 0
243 Patrick Phillips Screw AIM Hand-to-Hand Technician Aggressive Psycho 9 Boss Bob 1 4 82 66 71 89 7 68 65 86 38 8 850 5100 9800
1 Keith Hanson Blood AIM Hand-to-Hand Hand-to-Hand throwing Optimist None 7 Magic Cliff 1 3 84 94 87 82 6 75 78 23 31 51 850 5500 9000
176 Graziella Girelli Grace AIM throwing demolitions athletics Intellectual Non Swimmer 8 Red, Numb 1 2 78 76 77 67 62 82 69 22 16 26 850 5300 8700
222 Col. Leon Roachburn Leon MERC Deputy Deputy teaching Dauntless Forgetful 9 Sam Gary, Sparky, Larry, Larry 0 8 65 50 54 72 74 77 85 48 31 25 800 0 0
39 Norma Jessop Meltdown AIM Heavy Weapons Gunslinger ambidextrous Malicious None 5 Biff 1 3 78 74 84 76 24 82 83 22 40 3 800 4900 9000
61 Devin Connell Devin rebels demolitions melee Loner None 9 1 3 73 61 88 71 11 72 67 34 96 2 800 0 0
19 Dr. Donna Houston Spider AIM Paramedic night ops stealthy Sociable Fear of Insects 7 Vicki, Static 1 1 81 56 76 68 16 90 70 0 0 94 800 5100 8500
228 Dr. Ahmad Koolhan Doc AIM Paramedic Paramedic Phlegmatic None 7 Needle 1 2 74 77 61 80 56 83 66 3 0 83 750 4600 8400
17 Monica Sondergaard Buns AIM Marksman teaching Assertive Fear of Insects 9 Fox, Reaper 1 2 79 78 87 59 24 93 86 8 4 48 725 4700 8500
46 Larry Roachburn Larry MERC Technician Paramedic stealthy Sociable None 7 Biff Static, Reuban 1 3 69 87 79 67 18 70 70 14 92 70 700 0 0
0 Barry Unger Barry AIM Technician demolitions Intellectual Non Swimmer 8 Red 1 2 82 72 87 80 29 91 70 44 92 20 700 3400 5500
47 Larry Roachburn Larry MERC Loner Forgetful 12 Static Biff, Reuban -- 1 69 72 54 35 4 58 50 7 82 49 700 0 0
251 Lesley Petersen Smoke AIM demolitions Primitive None 7 1 1 78 87 80 75 15 44 69 20 90 7 650 3200 6200
14 Cynthia Guzzman Fox AIM teaching Paramedic ambidextrous Show-off Fear of Insects 10 Wolf Steroid, Pops 1 2 77 85 100 55 21 76 69 15 8 70 625 4000 7000
50 Thorton Jones Bubba MERC Hand-to-Hand bodybuilding Aggressive None 10 Bull 1 4 86 54 68 98 5 29 77 59 61 0 600 0 0
6 Helmut Grunther Grunty AIM Heavy Weapons night ops Optimist None 6 Ivan 1 3 82 79 76 71 21 72 78 44 28 22 550 3600 6400
235 Timothy Jenkins Leech AIM Marksman Hunter Malicious None 10 1 2 63 58 70 66 9 54 98 10 17 9 550 3400 6200
245 Anita Backman Mouse AIM Covert Ops stealthy Optimist None 8 Stella Fox 1 1 84 99 94 62 12 75 69 4 0 10 550 3300 6200
3 Steve Bornell Grizzly AIM Heavy Weapons Hand-to-Hand bodybuilding Primitive None 7 Bull, Shadow Dr. Q 1 2 94 69 50 95 16 72 79 24 37 8 525 3500 6000
182 Dr. Bernie Gloveless Bernie MERC Paramedic Paramedic Neutral Forgetful 9 Reuban 1 3 69 39 48 52 19 85 75 4 0 94 500 0 0
195 John Kulba John MERC Neutral Heat Intolerant 9 Ivan, Igor 1 3 67 51 60 66 8 65 95 88 2 8 500 0 0
9 Igor Dolvich Igor AIM stealthy Hunter Dauntless None 10 Ivan, Grunty 1 2 91 89 75 82 4 84 77 36 19 17 500 3200 5500
69 Dr. Vincent Beaumont Vince rebels Paramedic ambidextrous teaching Optimist Claustrophobic 8 1 2 94 49 92 69 33 94 35 13 3 94 500 0 0
223 Gary Roachburn Gary AIM Heavy Weapons demolitions bodybuilding Primitive None 8 Mike Larry 1 2 83 68 59 90 7 70 72 24 42 14 500 3000 5500
238 Vincenzo Massimo Vinny AIM Technician melee Show-off Fear of Insects 10 Beth 1 2 73 75 74 83 8 65 66 88 20 8 500 3100 5900
38 Dr. Michael Dawson MD AIM Paramedic melee teaching Optimist Heat Intolerant 7 1 1 72 62 78 76 4 94 66 7 0 80 500 3000 5000
191 Speck T. Kline Speck MERC Technician Technician Intellectual Nervous 7 Vicki 1 1 69 51 77 62 33 82 49 99 8 11 500 0 0
246 Hector Alvarez Hector AIM melee athletics Sociable None 8 Hamous Smoke 1 1 79 84 88 83 28 72 61 38 17 6 500 2300 4500
183 Murray McGillicutty Pops MERC Hunter Deputy Dauntless Forgetful 10 Fox 0 9 38 14 4 25 28 88 85 9 6 18 400 0 0
21 John Peters Bull AIM Hand-to-Hand bodybuilding Aggressive None 9 1 2 96 59 44 98 23 64 72 25 17 10 400 2700 4500
184 Walter Yuntz Wally MERC Technician Technician Intellectual 8 Carp Fox 1 2 82 55 62 70 18 83 24 95 48 24 400 0 0
185 Dr. Eli Summers Eli MERC Paramedic melee Neutral None 9 Cliff Skitz 1 2 81 73 58 78 29 77 49 65 0 70 400 0 0
187 Howard Melfield Carp AIM teaching snitch Dauntless None 8 Wally 1/4 2 55 54 55 60 42 77 67 15 5 2 400 2400 4600
225 Mary Beth Wilkens Beth MERC Paramedic teaching snitch Intellectual Nervous 9 Pops 1 2 77 90 53 62 20 80 55 25 3 59 400 0 0
249 Edward Stockwell Ears MERC scouting radio operator snitch Malicious None 8 1 1 72 67 58 70 22 79 54 26 18 22 350 0 0
252 Roger Wittman Dyno MERC demolitions Assertive Nervous 8 1 1 48 80 95 73 2 45 60 0 85 31 350 0 0
239 Marty Moffat Kaboom AIM Hand-to-Hand demolitions Primitive 9 Dyno 1 2 71 93 91 87 2 28 60 37 85 2 330 1900 3600
224 Megan Roachburn Sparky MERC Technician Show-off Non Swimmer 11 Larry, Larry Gary 1 2 57 70 88 41 8 54 49 87 29 2 300 0 0
181 Carl Goodman It MERC Hand-to-Hand Hand-to-Hand bodybuilding Phlegmatic Non Swimmer 8 Mike Moses 1 1 95 55 74 97 1 29 61 3 0 0 300 0 0
63 Hamous Hamous rebels stealthy Primitive None 5 Hector 1 2 68 68 66 69 5 35 78 19 0 0 250 0 0
220 Jack Durham Postie MERC stealthy Malicious Nervous 10 1 2 62 61 72 64 12 70 68 18 19 11 250 0 0
190 Wink E. Dickerson Wink MERC demolitions athletics throwing Assertive None 7 1 1 92 80 68 87 11 59 38 2 1 2 250 0 0
244 Elroy B. Tolken Elroy MERC Covert Ops Covert Ops stealthy Loner None 7 It 1 1 63 54 88 68 15 50 55 81 6 12 250 0 0
247 Reverend Clyde Potter Rev MERC teaching ambidextrous Sociable None 6 Reuban 1 1 74 46 41 67 62 54 64 15 41 15 250 0 0
40 Biff Apscott Biff MERC teaching Sociable Nervous 10 Larry, Lance Larry, Turtle 1 2 73 74 71 41 13 58 57 0 4 24 200 0 0
253 Herman Regents Turtle MERC Gunslinger Gunslinger Dauntless Non Swimmer 0 Mike 1 2 53 8 21 61 25 85 75 12 5 2 200 0 0
42 Doug Milton Gasket MERC Technician Aggressive Forgetful 10 Vicki Ivan 1 1 72 61 89 68 3 49 44 82 8 0 200 0 0
227 Hurl E. Cutter Hurl MERC athletics Paramedic snitch Pacifist Nervous 10 Bernie 1 1 100 81 71 62 7 55 60 1 0 44 200 0 0
43 Bill Lamont Razor MERC melee throwing athletics Malicious Psycho 3 Haywire Flo 1 2 73 88 91 86 4 53 50 8 11 12 150 0 0
41 Frankie Gordon Haywire MERC melee Auto Weapons Aggressive Psycho 6 Razor Biff 1 1 65 59 76 71 1 58 48 8 31 2 150 0 0
45 Tim Hillman Gumpy MERC demolitions Intellectual Heat Intolerant 9 1 1 67 45 67 70 11 94 44 0 56 9 150 0 0
180 Willy Augustin Weasel MERC radio operator snitch Aggressive None 8 Ears 1 1 56 44 36 50 21 60 54 6 40 4 150 0 0
188 Lance Fisher Lance MERC teaching snitch Pacifist Nervous 0 Biff 1 1 76 69 61 65 1 56 44 0 0 0 150 0 0
44 Florence Gabriel Flo MERC teaching Pacifist Nervous 11 Biff 1 1 58 37 64 45 1 82 38 7 2 19 100 0 0
65 Eskimo - Removed RPC65 rebels throwing demolitions Neutral Heat Intolerant 7 1 1 87 51 86 92 1 66 55 15 7 5 100 0 0
179 Bruce Bonner Skitz MERC demolitions Primitive Psycho 6 Larry Sparky 1 1 48 60 51 55 1 31 47 0 69 0 100 0 0
196 Elio Elio MERC scouting melee Primitive None 6 1 1 83 84 81 79 13 58 23 0 0 0 100 0 0
197 Juan Juan MERC Technician Neutral None 6 1 1 78 62 88 72 9 74 24 70 0 0 100 0 0
198 Wahan Wahan MERC Paramedic Primitive None 6 1 1 68 55 88 70 31 82 11 0 0 46 100 0 0
66 Greg Duncan Dynamo rebels Technician Technician Aggressive Psycho 5 Shank 1 1 33 57 67 55 8 78 68 67 9 21 50 0 0
189 Dr. Raffitto Leevon Raffi MERC Primitive None 9 Rev Doc 1 1 70 93 14 70 1 29 44 2 2 4 50 0 0
221 Unusually Ruthless Reuban Reuban MERC melee Malicious Psycho 4 1 1 77 49 62 79 3 59 48 7 4 4 50 0 0
67 Breeham Druz Shank rebels throwing demolitions Optimist Non Swimmer 10 Dynamo 1 1 46 36 43 31 7 80 45 11 9 17 20 0 0
57 Miguel Cordona Miguel rebels Deputy night ops melee Neutral None 5 Carlos, Ira Iggy 1 6 88 73 76 83 98 80 85 22 31 13 0 0 0
58 Carlos Dasouza Carlos rebels stealthy throwing scouting Loner None 6 Miguel, Dimitri Iggy 1 4 79 91 61 68 38 71 67 34 20 11 0 0 0
64 Slay Terry rebels Marksman Marksman Auto Weapons Loner Non Swimmer 7 1 4 80 76 78 77 16 59 93 44 34 10 0 0 0
229 Manuel Rivas Manuel rebels Hunter stealthy athletics Loner None 3 Ira, Dimitri 1 4 76 72 91 76 45 83 78 8 22 40 0 0 0
59 Ira Smythe Ira rebels Paramedic teaching scouting Sociable Non Swimmer 6 Dimitri, Miguel 1 2 76 72 91 55 14 83 55 8 2 40 0 0 0
73 Darrel Jr. Darrel rebels Primitive None 7 1 2 85 70 70 78 3 12 91 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Dimitri Guzzo Dimitri rebels throwing demolitions Primitive Forgetful 8 Miguel, Carlos 1 1 75 73 51 71 21 56 77 71 12 17 0 0 0
62 Madlab's Robot Robot rebels Neutral None 7 1 1 95 50 30 30 1 5 80 0 0 0 0 0 0
71 RPC71 rebels Neutral None 7 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
72 Kevin Cameron Maddog rebels Technician Technician Aggressive Psycho 10 1 1 91 91 92 78 8 56 66 68 18 7 0 0 0
74 Alish Perkopoulos Perko rebels Neutral None 7 1 1 65 57 79 62 22 76 45 80 10 20 0 0 0
146 Dr. Nathaniel Kairns MadLab (NPC) Technician Technician teaching Intellectual None 7 1 1 82 82 84 79 13 93 60 17 2 35 350 0 0
81 Ricardo Grimaldo Rat (NPC) melee ambidextrous Malicious None 5 Miguel, Ira 1 1 68 82 91 75 3 79 70 27 7 14 300 0 0
158 Carl Tercel Carl (NPC) Neutral Nervous 7 1 1 68 57 71 66 12 73 34 38 80 8 50 0 0
79 Joseph Papanus Joe (NPC) Auto Weapons Hand-to-Hand Hand-to-Hand Aggressive None 7 1 9 99 99 99 99 17 99 99 22 99 47 0 0 0
145 Tyrone Banks Tyrone (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 8 88 88 88 88 58 78 88 88 88 88 0 0 0
120 General Theo Humphey General (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 7 81 41 67 84 39 85 83 9 34 22 0 0 0
142 Olaf Helinski Olaf (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 7 84 81 78 88 31 45 79 18 44 45 0 0 0
86 Peter Klauss Kingpin (NPC) Auto Weapons Hand-to-Hand bodybuilding Assertive None 7 1 6 82 61 76 84 50 95 89 19 22 5 0 0 0
111 T-Rex Jasmin (NPC) Hand-to-Hand ambidextrous bodybuilding Neutral None 7 1 6 88 80 80 90 22 45 79 16 4 15 0 0 0
140 Jim Perry Jim (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 6 87 93 72 86 43 42 78 12 58 14 0 0 0
143 Ray Baker Ray (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 6 97 91 88 72 30 67 98 30 60 30 0 0 0
144 Olga Statova Olga (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 6 90 72 68 79 45 62 99 32 67 32 0 0 0
91 Tony Tony (NPC) Phlegmatic None 7 1 5 77 60 84 83 6 76 97 90 31 16 0 0 0
96 Micky O'Brien Micky (NPC) Malicious None 7 1 5 46 27 68 63 6 68 77 21 47 13 0 0 0
141 Jack Remington Jack (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 5 90 78 90 82 14 76 92 11 87 12 0 0 0
78 Carmen Dancio Carmen (NPC) Auto Weapons Auto Weapons melee Loner None 7 1 4 84 86 77 81 7 77 93 13 34 25 0 0 0
83 Imposter Chris (NPC) Loner None 7 1 4 85 81 78 77 51 58 90 33 57 4 0 0 0
87 Darren Van Haussen Darren (NPC) Auto Weapons Heavy Weapons athletics Neutral None 7 1 4 79 59 65 80 19 68 77 40 18 17 0 0 0
93 Spike Spike (NPC) Hand-to-Hand melee bodybuilding Aggressive None 7 0 4 88 59 43 98 1 44 93 16 45 10 0 0 0
94 Damon Warrick Damon (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 4 81 67 41 94 16 61 84 13 22 5 0 0 0
110 Tiffany Joe (NPC) Auto Weapons Auto Weapons athletics Aggressive None 7 1 4 69 31 64 89 4 48 97 33 10 12 0 0 0
112 Druggist Charlie (NPC) Auto Weapons Auto Weapons stealthy Dauntless Psycho 7 1 4 75 60 70 72 34 80 60 45 80 64 0 0 0
82 MoM Annie (NPC) Aggressive Psycho 7 1 3 67 34 73 66 4 68 53 13 68 40 0 0 0
97 James Bullock Skyrider (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 3 84 77 97 84 16 88 49 73 14 30 0 0 0
102 Christine Woltz Warden (NPC) Aggressive None 7 1 3 94 72 86 62 17 84 89 9 9 3 0 0 0
103 Gordon Jefferies Gordon (NPC) Pacifist Nervous 7 1 3 24 28 69 35 12 87 66 11 1 14 0 0 0
75 Queen Deidranna Deidranna (NPC) Auto Weapons Auto Weapons bodybuilding Aggressive Psycho 7 1 2 90 85 88 60 99 91 90 10 12 10 0 0 0
92 Frank Frank (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 2 84 55 92 92 9 71 70 13 6 10 0 0 0
117 Hans Vanderkilt Hans (NPC) Loner None 7 1 2 86 67 79 88 16 70 59 97 15 8 0 0 0
121 Sergeant Krott Sergeant (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 2 84 68 54 74 5 68 53 26 4 7 0 0 0
127 Eldin Fiddes Eldin (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 2 54 55 65 59 4 61 48 8 4 12 0 0 0
133 Billy GoonBall Billy (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 2 78 72 68 88 9 22 44 2 2 2 0 0 0
150 Daryl Hick Daryl (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 2 73 57 68 69 11 55 79 33 13 9 0 0 0
157 Calvin Barkmore Calvin (NPC) Loner Psycho 7 1 2 83 92 96 83 1 45 50 43 9 4 0 0 0
76 Auntie Auntie (NPC) Neutral Nervous 7 1 1 55 31 54 38 2 72 30 4 0 14 0 0 0
77 Enrico Chivaldori Enrico (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 1 88 52 57 69 91 89 48 0 0 11 0 0 0
80 Dr. Steven Willis Steve (NPC) Hand-to-Hand melee bodybuilding Sociable None 7 1 1 93 84 92 73 37 95 16 18 1 94 0 0 0
84 Bob Bob (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 35 33 41 22 1 77 45 30 0 5 0 0 0
85 Brenda Drake Brenda (NPC) Dauntless None 7 1 1 72 46 70 84 1 71 66 70 23 19 0 0 0
88 Maria DaSilva Maria (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 69 69 89 52 1 76 11 1 0 2 0 0 0
89 Angel Dasilva Angel (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 1 83 89 51 67 4 71 32 13 0 2 0 0 0
90 Joey Graham Joey (NPC) Loner None 7 1 1 98 95 86 60 1 71 14 0 3 0 0 0 0
95 Kyle Lemmons Kyle (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 1 79 91 100 23 1 66 11 0 0 19 0 0 0
98 Pablo Greco Pablo (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 77 87 79 80 2 61 23 55 1 3 0 0 0
99 Salvatore Lappus Sal (NPC) Show-off None 7 1 1 82 77 61 74 8 75 39 44 2 12 0 0 0
100 Father John Walker Father (NPC) Pacifist Forgetful 7 1 1 75 56 63 68 24 78 14 5 0 31 0 0 0
101 Fatima Fatima (NPC) Neutral Nervous 7 1 1 53 90 70 48 11 74 24 7 0 12 0 0 0
104 Gary Mulnick Gabby (NPC) Loner None 7 1 1 48 54 76 49 1 35 32 14 42 26 0 0 0
105 Dr. Ernest Poppin Ernest (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 1 47 62 78 28 3 97 10 90 52 60 0 0 0
106 Fred Morris Fred (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 1 68 54 62 71 1 62 27 16 82 6 0 0 0
107 Madame Layla Madame (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 78 88 93 69 13 69 13 3 1 44 0 0 0
108 Yanni Nomigotta Yanni (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 39 21 41 27 54 96 49 31 1 77 0 0 0
109 Martha Graham Martha (NPC) Optimist None 7 1 1 69 43 56 40 1 47 2 0 0 6 0 0 0
113 Jake Cameron Jake (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 67 41 73 69 2 47 69 90 34 2 0 0 0
114 Pacos Pacos (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 25 77 78 34 1 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
115 Dave Gerard Dave (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 80 94 55 77 5 74 45 98 11 8 0 0 0
116 Skipper Skipper (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 39 14 31 28 1 79 34 51 12 3 0 0 0
118 John Kulba John (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 57 47 47 36 1 46 80 43 2 8 0 0 0
119 Mary Kulba Mary (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 53 54 67 28 1 48 36 0 0 20 0 0 0
122 Armand Ricci Armand (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 49 35 51 53 7 86 23 0 0 25 0 0 0
123 Lora Ricci Lora (NPC) Show-off None 7 1 1 72 69 97 69 4 76 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
124 Franz Hinkle Franz (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 79 58 71 59 1 78 24 50 1 3 0 0 0
125 Howard Filmore Howard (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 82 60 71 68 3 91 10 4 0 45 0 0 0
126 Sam Rozen Sam (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 66 54 66 51 4 79 20 58 11 2 0 0 0
128 Arnold Brunzwell Arnie (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 86 88 92 89 5 61 40 63 3 6 0 0 0
129 Tina Elzan Tina (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 88 81 98 51 2 60 14 5 0 2 0 0 0
130 Alexander Fredo Fredo (NPC) Technician Technician Neutral None 7 1 1 68 45 71 54 1 61 21 94 8 10 0 0 0
131 Walter Bazzon Walter (NPC) Pacifist None 7 1 1 71 61 78 59 1 91 8 57 7 38 0 0 0
132 Jenny Walden Jenny (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 79 55 73 49 3 84 12 0 0 55 0 0 0
134 Brewster Woltz Brewster (NPC) Pacifist None 7 1 1 68 59 62 74 1 64 29 20 5 0 0 0 0
135 Messenger of bad news Elliot (NPC) Primitive None 7 1 1 79 78 60 44 1 22 30 0 0 0 0 0 0
136 Part of crowd for end game Derek (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 66 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
137 Part of endgame crowd Oliver (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 59 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0
138 Waldo Zimmer Waldo (NPC) Sociable None 7 1 1 68 55 88 67 2 51 10 87 1 4 0 0 0
139 Doreen Harrows Doreen (NPC) Loner None 7 1 1 73 72 80 66 1 76 28 39 0 8 0 0 0
147 Keith Hemps Keith (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 87 74 70 80 2 70 33 67 5 2 0 0 0
148 Matt Duncan Matt (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 83 92 90 85 10 81 27 70 60 17 0 0 0
151 Herve Santos Herve (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 77 80 78 70 1 70 35 14 0 5 0 0 0
152 Peter Santos Peter (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 77 80 78 70 1 70 35 14 0 5 0 0 0
153 Alberto Santos Alberto (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 77 80 78 70 1 70 35 14 0 5 0 0 0
154 Carlo Santos Carlo (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 77 80 78 70 1 70 35 14 0 5 0 0 0
155 Manny Santos Manny (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 67 60 58 90 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
156 Oswald Johnston Oswald (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 65 60 70 60 40 50 30 0 0 20 0 0 0
159 Speck... (NPC) Neutral None 7 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0